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Como eu faço pra usar uma imagem dos meus arquivos

Basicamente oque eu queria ajuda é pra conseguir fazer com que eu consiga pegar uma imagem dos meus arquivos, e inserir no meu projeto, se isso seria possível 

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Message 1 of 18

Hi Marcus,


@MarcusP. wrote:

Basically what I wanted help with was how to get an image from my files and insert it into my project, if that would be possible?

Basically it would help when you would write your questions in English so we all could read them.

(Otherwise there's a Portuguese regional board…)


On your question: You can drag&drop any (image) file into your project, so what is the real problem?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 18

@MarcusP. wrote:

Translated by Google: Basically what I wanted help with was how to get an image from my files and insert it into my project, if that would be possible.


Your question is not clear.


You can add any file, including pictures to a LabVIEW project by "right-click..add..file.." or even just drag.

You can also paste any image to the front panel or diagram of a VI as static decoration.

You can use an image indicator and load the file with suitable code.

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Message 3 of 18

Ok, I’m going to be honest. What I wanted to say is that I need to use a graph in a report, and to do that, I’m trying to use a different method to insert it.

How so? Well, I know how to generate an image from part of a VI and save it in a folder. The idea was to find a method to take that image from the folder and use it in the report (yeah, it’s quite a workaround). But I need some way to insert this graph image into the MS Office Report process, and honestly, I don’t know how.

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Message 4 of 18

It is still not clear at all.


Did your "original" method work (what was it)? Then why are you now trying to use a "different" method?

I assume you are creating the report using LabVIEW and the report generation tools, right?

Is this just a picture of a graph indicator?

You can load an image file into a picture indicator and use that in your report.

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Message 5 of 18

"Ok, I’ll share my .vi to give more context. I had another method where I would send the data to Excel, and by using a reference, I would grab the range and replace it in the 'report' I was working on. However, in that case, I couldn’t keep the graph (I wanted it to be the same as the one in LabVIEW).

This brought up a question: is it possible to send images to the 'report' using MS Office Report? From what I’ve seen, it doesn’t seem possible, so I need help understanding how I can insert the graph image into my Excel report."


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Message 6 of 18

vc pode usar a funcao INSERT OBJECT , ele aceita o arquivo de imagem q vc quer inserir 



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Message 7 of 18

GerdW  vc pode usar Google translator, muitas postagens aparecem aqui em outras linguas, nao necessariamente so em ingles. 

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Message 8 of 18

Hi LVNinja,


yes, I know how to use GoogleTranslate.


But wouldn't it be nice by the OP to ask in English (and do the translation once) instead of (most of) us need to go to GoogleTranslate to translate the messages again and again?

(With the same argument of yours I could write all my answers in German: the OP could use GoogleTranslate to translate them to Portuguese.)


There's a reason we have a (mostly) English worldwide forum and several "regional boards" for other languages…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 9 of 18

Hi, everyone! First off, I apologize for posting in the wrong forum. I didn’t realize I was in the [American forum], so that was my mistake. No need for any arguments—let’s just move past that.

On to the main point: I’m trying to use an image in Excel. Thanks for the advice, LVNinja! Here’s my plan: I’ll create a .vi that generates an image of the graph, then in the next .vi, I’ll replace an array in Excel and see how that works.

Thanks again for the input!

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Message 10 of 18