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Chroma 16502 DLL Library

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I am working with Chroma 16502 Milliohm meter. I need to get the test result at the end of the test. I am using RS232 connector to communicate with the device. I have attached the manual of the instrument.

Chroma seems to have LabVIEW package for the instruments but it seems like a DLL package. I am familiar with library where the functions appears in the pallete in block diagram but have never worked with something like this. Can you please guide me on how should I approach it or if there is any tutorial or video on how to work with such package?


Link to page with LabVIEW Support. 


In the link above, it states that I need to have these packages installed. So, my second question is how do I verify these packages are installed and are of correction revision? I know VISA Run-time Engine is installed as I am using for other projects but don't know where to look for version. 



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Message 1 of 12


Looks like I have 3 dependency (CVI and VISA Run Time, and IVI Compliance Package) installed. Can you help with confirming it?


If confirmed, I need help with how do I use the LabVIEW support for the instrument i.e., DLL package provided?

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Message 2 of 12
Accepted by topic author SB_123

Extract the content to <LabVIEW>\instr.lib\ and they should appear in the Instruments I/O >> Instrument Drivers palette.

However, it seems like the mmu is not working properly and APIs appear to be missing.



But you still can open the Chr16502.llb and access all the VIs.



Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 3 of 12
Accepted by topic author SB_123

I would note that the manual for the device has the full command syntax listed to send ASCII SCPI commands.  If you can't get the drivers using the DLL working, you should be able to program it manually using VISA read/write commands and doing the formatting yourself.  Or, if you can get the DLL drivers working but they didn't include the full functionality that you needed, you could still do that.  Just don't try both at once, it could lead to unexpected issues,

Message 4 of 12


Thank you for looking into this. I will try on my end and reach out to the vendor on why it is not working properly. 

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Message 5 of 12


Thank you for replying. I tried to send a command via PuTTY to verify the communication via RS232 but I didn't get any response on the console of the PuTTY. I simply typed in the command and hit enter in PuTTY but no luck. Once I am successful with PuTTY then I was planning to test with VISA. Any thoughts on use of PuTTY with this device before starting the development with VISA.

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Message 6 of 12
Accepted by topic author SB_123

Hi SB,


why don't you use the VISA test panel in MAX (instead of Putty)?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 7 of 12


Sure. I will try that. 

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Message 8 of 12

Try "*IDN?\r\n" in the VISA Control panel after selecting the serial port that corresponds to your device in the NI Max.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 9 of 12


Thank you. Is *IDN?\r\n the serial command to the device? And, what do I expect in response?

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Message 10 of 12