> I was wondering if there is an easier way to change the fonts in labels and
> captions in Labview 5.1. If I use the font dialog, the settings of all the
> font attribute controls are set at a default value, not at the values of
> the selected font. So, if I want to only change a few attributes, I have
> to put all of them in. This is not only annoying, it causes problems when
> I don't know what the settings were for the font when I started out.
> If I want to change one attribute at a time I can use the drop down font
> control, but this method is very slow and I don't think this is how it was
> meant to be used. Also, I still can't tell what the current settings are.
> I've been able to make some use of the "Current Font" command, but this does
> not change
the color.
> I feel like I must be missing something, like I am fighting LabView. Is there
> an easier way?
The LV font dialog and menu will show you the current font settings if there
is actually a text selection or a flashing caret. It would be nice if they
show the settings when objects were selected with the marching ants, but it
doesn't currently do that. So the easiest way I know is to triple click in
the label using the labeling tool. This selects all of the text, then use
either the font dialog or the text menu. There are also some font shortcuts
like hitting ctl/option and = increments the font size. It is the same
key as the
ctl/option and +, and ctl/option and - decrements te font size.
Greg McKaskle