I had a look on the VI which you attached. Your process variable (PV) is a constant in this VI. Autotune is set to False. This does not make any sense to me. Where do you measure the real temperature? So this input should be either a simulated or a real measured variable.
Actually in the past I had several problems with the PID toolkit's autotuning features. However usually I got nice results using the standard manual Ziegler-Nichols closed loop tuning method: you set your I and D terms zero, and you play first only with a pure P-control. Gradually increasing it, bring the system into a stable oscillation. Plot this stable oscillation in time, and measure the period time or ultimate time parameter T_u (time in minutes between two points are in the same phase in the osciallation curve). The ultimate gain P_u is the actual P value.
From T_u and P_u calculate the PID parameters:
P = P_u / 1.7
I = T_u / 2
D = T_u / 8
I hope it helps...
edit: actually do you understand the basics of PID control? Do you understand the concept, and the terms: Process Variable, Setpoint, Output? The process variable in this case a measured temperature. The output of the PID VI is a value which you should send to a thermostat for example. It can be a current which drives a heater, or a Peltier-module, etc...
edit2: so please describe your hardware configuration, otherwise it is pretty difficult to help...