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Anyone have experience with LV 2011 SP1?

Just asking whether anyone has experience with the latest LabVIEW  2011 Service Pack 1? 


I haven't had any problems with 2011 (I had big problems with 2010 and building big applications but 2011 fixed that).  One figures that a service pack with no new features should be a good version to stick with for a while so I'm keen to update but.....  there seems to be a patch f1 already addressing some major issues that weren't in the 2011 version!  I found one posting on 2011 SP1 where someone has reported problems with it but it ended up being a discussion on OOP so it wasn't clear if the LabVIEW SP1 version was the problem.  Maybe not many people have moved to it yet.


Regarding the patch f1 its not clear if someone installing the runtime engine only has to install this patch as well if the developer has used it to build an app.  NI is never very clear about this.


I also had an issue installing 2011 SP1 which I hadn't seen before.  Installation stopped early on with Error 1303 - something to do with not being able to access the Program Files directory for some Error directory.  I'm logged in with Administrator rights and as mentioned haven't had any installation problems with LV for some time.  I got round it by turning off the Windows Firewall and unplugging the network cable.  I had to activate products after launching them the first time.  This made me start to wonder if this wasn't a good version tol go with and stick to the basic 2011.


Any feedback appreciated.

Message 1 of 9

I recently upgraded a big project from LV2010 to LV2011 SP1 and only have positive impressions so far (after 2 month). I haven't used LV2011 so I can't compare.


One thing I'd like to add is before installing any new LV version, we always make a hard drive image, lot of software let you do that for a resonnable cost, some people use virtual machine, whatever...

It takes less time than a coffee break to do it and being able to comeback to were you were before is priceless!


Other than that, our technical manager would not let us upgrade any software/driver during a project unless there is a strong technical argument for it, in other words we don't upgrade just for the fun of being up to date.


Hope you'll be happy with LV2011 SP1, I've heard lots of good comments about it and sometimes people even compare it to the legendary LV 7.1.1 Smiley Surprised

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Thanks for the feedback. 

Yes I'm hoping for a version as stable as the legendary version 7.1.1.  I've been happy with 2011 and thought that SP1 should be a good one to stabilize on.  However the release of a patch, with what seems like some significant items addressed that weren't in 2011, got me concerned.


You didn't mention if you applied the patch f1 for SP1 which has come out?

I'm also hoping someone can comment on whether the Run-Time engine for 2011 SP1, as available for download from, works with patch f1 and no incompatibility?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

AndrewMadry wrote:

You didn't mention if you applied the patch f1 for SP1 which has come out?

I'm also hoping someone can comment on whether the Run-Time engine for 2011 SP1, as available for download from, works with patch f1 and no incompatibility?


I did, as I said I was with 2010 and I went striaght to the latest, so SP1 f1.


I have nothing to back me up on that but I wouldn't worry too much about issues between RTE 2011 SP1 and f1 patch.

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

@AndrewMadry wrote:

...However the release of a patch, with what seems like some significant items addressed that weren't in 2011, got me concerned. 

I upgraded 2 systems to use 2011 SP1 along with the patch.  We have had fewer problems than without the SP1.  The RTE seems to be transparent.  If you build an installer, it should contain the RTE patch as well.  As for the patch, a lot of those corrected issues I saw in the patch were found in the 2012 Beta.  I guess these issues were deemed important enough to cause a patch to be released.

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Message 5 of 9

I have not loaded the F1 update yet (just SP1), but I am happy with it so far. I also plan on using it as a long term release. We have some PC's still at 2011 and the code works with them also.

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Message 6 of 9

I prefer to stay close to the leading edge but if possible let others figure if there are bugs. So I have done very little work in LV 2011 but this is what I know.


There was a bug in the older versions of LVOOP that got fixed but broke my code since I was using the "illegal code construct" the fix was designed to prevent being possible. I managed to code around that to get the app working... but ound yet another LVOOP bug that I reported and will have to fix again once that gets fixed.


So if you are not using LVOOP the only really painful bug I know is described in this thread where search enums can result in the enum values changing.


SO as long as you are not searching on enums or have the foresight to backup before doing the search, LV 2011 is a version I will use without being forced (some customer insist on the newest version).



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 7 of 9

Helpful feedback.  Ben's comment on the problem with LVOOP probably explains an issue I reported in this posting  when I updated a program to 2011 where I used the Harmonic Cursor XControl.   The problem was somewhere in the LVOOP code but I didn't persist with it as I don't have the experience in that area.


crossrulz comments were very helpful. 

I'm still confused regarding patches that come out and compatibility between development environment and the run-time engine, as downloaded off NI's website.  It makes sense that if you build an installer for a client from the development environment that it should contain a compatible run-time engine. But for various reasons I prefer that a user of my programs gets the run-time engine off NI's website.


I just noticed that the filename for the latest 2011 SP1 runtime engine includes "f1" in the zip file name so thats pretty clear and hopefully no more patches.


I recall with 2010 when the early patches came out, that the text with the page for the run-time engine download actually noted that the run-time engine included the patches.  That gave some confidence.

I see from the current 2010 SP1 run-time engine page that it now has f5 in the zip file name.  I remember applying patches f1 and f2 to the development environment.  I see that there is a patch f4 for development environment but not a patch f5.  Configuration control just seems a bit messy.


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Message 8 of 9

Our patches are always sequentially numbered from a LabVIEW perspective (not differentiating between development and RTE). We usually patch LabVIEW development and LabVIEW RTEs at the same time, but not always, such as when the problem(s) being patched only affect one and not the other.

Our patches are always cumulative, so a higher patch includes all fixes that were provided in a lower patch AND you need only install the latest one to pick up all fixes.

If you see the patch sequence f1, f2, f4, you can assume f3 occurred, but it was not public or was for a different component of LabVIEW (dev versus RTE). An example of a non-publicly provided patch is when we patch to resolve a problem specific to a product that will install the patched RTE themselves. A subsequent patch, in this example f4, would include the fixes from f3.

Example of what might seem like weird numbering:

  f1 - LabVIEW Devolopment and RTE

  f2 - LabVIEW RTE only

  f3 - LabVIEW Development and RTE

Dev went from f1 to f3, but we consider it more important for Dev and RTE to have the same patch number to indicate they have the same fixes.


Message 9 of 9