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AVI filter affect reading rate

Hi everybody,
I have used an VI to write video from usb device to avi file and then playback video from the avi file with the same rate. It works well, and then I use filter to compress the avi file however the writing and reading rate seem now much slower and make the playback progress unmatched.
Do you guys know solutions for this?
Thank you very much for your help
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Hi hannah,

I'm not sure if I understood you problem completely. Are you trying to playback the video while it's compressing the avi file? What are you compressing the AVI video with (ie NI Vision Development Module, 3rd party dlls, 3rd party VIs). Video compression can be very demanding on the computer's resource, so it's normal for the writing and reading rate to slow down.

Stanley Hu
National Instruments
Applications Engineering

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