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8 channel analog input with seperate graph in labview



i would like to measure the voltage(0-5volt) from 8 flexi force sensor, so i use a0 to a7 channel in NI USB-6210. i need to view the voltage in 8 different graphical waveform[10 samples and 1khz continuous RSE terminal configuration]. i use labview 2012 software.i am new to this please help me with .vi file i uploaded the attachments

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Message 1 of 5
You must use a single DAQ Assistant configured for multiple channels. You would simply use the Split Signal function to display on separate graphs. When you created the DAQ Assistant, the help showed you how to add multiple channels to the single task. Now, delete all but one assistant, go into the one remaining, and just click the Add button.
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Message 2 of 5



i used wave splitter (a0 to a7)and each one with graph indicator.. is it correct i have attached the .vi file

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Message 3 of 5
Your wiring is messy and should be cleaned up. I would also suggest you wire your stop button to the stop task input of the assistant and the termination terminal to its output.
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Message 4 of 5

The DAQ Assistant is fine for a "Proof of concept", particularly for someone who knows almost nothing about LabVIEW but wants a Quick and Dirty "solution".


If you plan on doing anything more involved, you need to learn a little LabVIEW, for which there are tutorials (including a listing on the first page of the LabVIEW Forum).  When you have the basics, do a Web search for "Learn 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx", and never use the DAQ Assistant (and its evil Twin, the Dynamic Data Wire) again.


Bob Schor

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Message 5 of 5