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2 khz loop timing

hi everybody, 

i want to achieve a 2 khz loop timing. I am using Labview 2011 and Ni Pci 6229 . I know that max loop rate that I can achieve with timed loop is 1 Khz . But is it possibleto achieve greater rate through external timing source such as functional generator etc?  


regards to everyone

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Message 1 of 4

What are you trying to do?  Are you just trying to take an analog read 2000 times per second?  Because the card you have advertises 250,000 samples / second for one channel.  This means you can ask the card to send you 250,000 readings after one second of taking that number of readings (which will take 1 second).


Of course for you (if you are just trying to read at 2KHz) You would tell the card to return 2,000 readings, and read at 2,000 samples / second.  To do this look at the shipped example Acq&Graph Voltage-Int which can be found by searching "finite" in the example finder.


If however you are using LabVIEW Realtime, or if any of my assumptions are wrong ignore everything I said.

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Message 2 of 4

thanks for the reply, infact i am generating pulse pattern of 15 bits with inter pulse period of 2us i.e 500khz  , i want this pattern to repeat at the rate of 2 khz,  the

to elaborate more the fixed pulse pattern burst    100110001011101   has to be transmitted at the rate of 2 khz.....I am trasmitting this pulse pattern vis CTR0 out by triggering counter by DIO line aat the rate of 500khz,,,,



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Message 3 of 4

Hello faisalayaz,


According to the product page, the PCI-6229 has a maximum clock rate of 1 MHz for digital I/O.  This should be sufficient for a 500 KHz write operation.  You can configure a DAQmx Timing VI to set up your sample clock using hardware timing.  Check out this help page for information on all the different options available with the DAQmx Timing VI.  You can set the clock source and rate to be what you need for your application.  For an example of how to set up your data write operation with an included timing VI, check out 5. DAQmx Timing.  You should be able to add a DAQmx Timing VI to your existing code to set the rate at which you write your fixed pulse pattern, and it appears you can write at the rate you desire.  Hopefully you find this information helpful.



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Message 4 of 4