09-27-2010 01:31 AM
Is HiTechnic V2 color sensor on NXT able to trail a strip of LED lights? Would this be possible? If so, how?
09-29-2010 05:36 AM
There's no straigthforward way to achieve this.
The only way to do this is to use sensor to detect the path color, and if the color start to deviate, then change the direction back to the track.
09-29-2010 07:38 AM
i have a question regarding that, how do i program the nxt such that it knows wether to deviate back to the right side or left side. For example, it goes off course towards the left and detects a change in color, how do i tell it that it has to turn right instead of left.
09-29-2010 07:58 AM
You need two sensors.
If one on left start to detect less color, it means it bent to left.
09-29-2010 07:59 AM
oh no, so this means it is almost impossible to trail a thin strip of LED lights?
09-29-2010 08:02 AM
Another possibilities, if you turn left, and it get worse, then turn right.