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EV3 mindstorm LAbview software always crash when open a project file

Hi Everyone,


I am new here.

I am a profession programmer. I am instruct EV3 FFL team now.

I have a problem to open ev3 project using mindstorm LABView education version 1.4.2 (20180509.1)


it always crash, and throw this kind of exception:

Unhandled exception occurred at 2019-05-05_12-30-57-AM
System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): External component has thrown an exception.

but after my about 10 time try.( 30 minutes later ), it finally opened successfully.

I made some change , save it and close it  .  

the same thing happened when I re-open the file next time.

the below is my exception log.

I will attach my ev3 program and crash report. 

Can anybody help me out ?


Thanks a lot

Johnny Wang



Unhandled exception occurred at 2019-05-05_12-30-57-AM
System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): External component has thrown an exception.
at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrameImpl(DispatcherFrame frame)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrame(DispatcherFrame frame)
at System.Windows.Application.RunDispatcher(Object ignore)
at System.Windows.Application.RunInternal(Window window)
at System.Windows.Application.Run(Window window)
at NationalInstruments.X3.Launcher.SingleInstanceManager.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs eventArgs)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.DoApplicationModel()
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.Run(String[] commandLine)
at NationalInstruments.X3.Launcher.SingleInstanceManager.Main(String[] args)
Stack trace with ILOffsets:
at WindowsBase.dll.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessage (IL offset: 0xffffffff)
at WindowsBase.dll.Dispatcher.PushFrameImpl (IL offset: 0x40)
at WindowsBase.dll.Dispatcher.PushFrame (IL offset: 0x5e)
at PresentationFramework.dll.Application.RunDispatcher (IL offset: 0x1f)
at PresentationFramework.dll.Application.RunInternal (IL offset: 0xdf)
at PresentationFramework.dll.Application.Run (IL offset: 0x1d)
at MindstormsEV3.exe.SingleInstanceManager.OnStartup (IL offset: 0x92)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.DoApplicationModel (IL offset: 0x52)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.Run (IL offset: 0x178)
at MindstormsEV3.exe.SingleInstanceManager.Main (IL offset: 0x5)



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0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

it is student edition, that happened same in home edition too

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Did you try to make a Force Reinstall?


Have you tried to contact Lego Support or National Instruments support?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

Thanks a lot.

I will give it a try.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

I report a defect of labview ,

can any developer have a look ?


The bad thing is the application just crash without provide any useful information for me to troubleshooting.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Have you tried the suggested solutions in that thread? Have you tried installing on another PC? Something is probably corrupt with the installation.

Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Thanks a lot for above replies.

I tried all solution you guys suggested. run ev3 program on different machine and clean reinstall the software.


I also sent email to Lego support team.


They told me the software EV3 software student edition  is different from LABView software. 


occasionally I opened the program , after I made some changes,  

it suddenly crashed again.


Based on my observation, I feel the link on block especially on switch/loop block  overlapped. that will cause EV3 software cannot recognize the work flow of the program.


anyway, I think EV3 software is not robust enough to handle all the situation in block programming.




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Hi All,

Finally I think I found the root cause why the EV3 software keep crashing.


It just cannot handle a little big program.

I was inspired by one post online said EV3 software is not good for many tabs opened in software.

I watched the software , the size of my code is 197KB , it turns on occupied 850MB memory when it try to compile the program.  that cause Ev3 software crashed . even my computer has 16GB memory, and memory usage is only 30%.


It finally can be opened correctly when I reduce the inactive code and reduce my file size to 180KB. it occupied about 750MB. 

the program can be opened consistantly.


I hope this can help other guys.

Message 8 of 11

Hi Jonhy,


Great to know, and thank you for an answer on how to solve


Have a nice day

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

check that link:


not quite sure what i have written here:



Unhandled exception occurred at 2018-08-18_05-27-25-PM

System.NullReferenceException: [Arg_NullReferenceException]


Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See

at NationalInstruments.WireRouting.HighTowerRouting.HightowerRouter.ValidateDiagram(Point& offsetDiagram, Diagram& diagram, Terminal terminal, Point& point)

at NationalInstruments.WireRouting.HighTowerRouting.HightowerRouter.InitializeRouter(Wire wire, WireSegment endingWireSegment, Point startPoint, Terminal startTerminal, Diagram startDiagram, WireRouteDirections startDirection, Point endPoint, Terminal endTerminal, Diagram endDiagram, WireRouteDirections endDirection, IWiringBehavior wiringBehaviour, Boolean forceRoute, WireRoutingPurpose purpose, WireRouteDirections userDirection, Boolean isBranchingOperation)

at NationalInstruments.X3.Model.Wiring.X3HighTowerRouter.InitializeRouter(Wire wire, WireSegment endingWireSegment, Point startPoint, Terminal startTerminal, Diagram startDiagram, WireRouteDirections startDirection, Point endPoint, Terminal endTerminal, Diagram endDiagram, WireRouteDirections endDirection, IWiringBehavior wiringBehaviour, Boolean forceRoute, WireRoutingPurpose purpose, WireRouteDirections userDirection, Boolean isBranchingOperation)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireSmart(Wire wire, Terminal startTerminal, Point startPoint, Diagram startDiagram, WireRouteDirections startDirections, Terminal endTerminal, Point endPoint, Diagram endDiagram, WireRouteDirections endDirections, WireSegment endingWireSegment, Boolean forceLayout, WireRoutingPurpose purpose, WireRouteDirections userDirections, Boolean isBranchingOperation)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireToCore(WireJoint joint, WireRouteDirections userDirections, DiagramPoint endPoint, WireRouteDirections endDirections, WireSegment endingWireSegment, Terminal endTerminal, Boolean isBranchingOperation, Boolean retainPreviousRoute)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireToPoint(WireJoint joint, WireRouteHint userHint, DiagramPoint point, Boolean isBranchingOperation, Boolean retainPreviousRoute)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.WiringContext.TackCurrentWire(WireRouteHint userHint, DiagramPoint p, WiringTackBehavior behavior)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.WiringContext.EndOnDiagram(WireRouteHint userHint, DiagramPoint p)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.Diagram.EndWiring(WiringContext context, WireRouteHint userHint, DiagramPoint p)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.WiringTool.EndWiring(FrameworkElement child, IWiringEnd end, DiagramPoint p)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.WiringTool.EndWiringForMouse(UIPosition pos)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.WiringTool.HandlePreviewLeftButtonUp(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.DesigntimeCanvas.SendMouseEvent(IEnumerable`1 hitTestResult, Object sender, MouseEventArgs e, DependencyProperty tunnelProperty, DependencyProperty bubbleProperty)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.DesigntimeCanvas.ProcessMouseEvent(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e, DependencyProperty tunnelProperty, DependencyProperty bubbleProperty)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.DesigntimeCanvas.DesigntimeCanvas_MouseLeftButtonUp(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

at MS.Internal.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(UInt32 typeIndex, Delegate handlerDelegate, Object sender, Object args)

at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, Int32 actualArgsTypeIndex, String eventName, UInt32 flags)

Stack trace with ILOffsets:

at <Unknown>.HightowerRouter.ValidateDiagram (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.HightowerRouter.InitializeRouter (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.X3HighTowerRouter.InitializeRouter (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireSmart (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireToCore (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireToPoint (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringContext.TackCurrentWire (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringContext.EndOnDiagram (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.Diagram.EndWiring (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringTool.EndWiring (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringTool.EndWiringForMouse (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringTool.HandlePreviewLeftButtonUp (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.DesigntimeCanvas.SendMouseEvent (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.DesigntimeCanvas.ProcessMouseEvent (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.DesigntimeCanvas.DesigntimeCanvas_MouseLeftButtonUp (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at System.Windows.dll.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at System.Windows.dll.JoltHelper.FireEvent (IL offset: 0xffffffff)



+000.002 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 launched at 2018-08-18_05-25-09-PM

+000.002 >> OS Type: Windows

+000.002 >> OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

+000.002 >> Silverlight version: 5.1.41212.0

+000.003 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 assembly file version: 1.0.50509.1

+000.003 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 build drop: R1-X3-Dev[GC]_20180509.1

+000.033 >> In Application_Startup

+000.034 >> Starting plugin loading

+000.269 >> Starting InitializeNewRespectingForRootCatalog

+001.586 >> Starting GetExportedValue<RootCompositionHostWrapper>()

+001.597 >> Starting GetExportedValue<IClient, ConfigTokens, PreferencesManager, MultiProjectSupport>()

+001.981 >> Generated XmlSerializer for requests/responses/server messages in (seconds): 0.3570204

+001.997 >> Message queue successfully claimed.

+002.025 >> Starting GetExportedValue<VersionProvider>()

+002.026 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 version: 1.4.2

+002.026 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 running as: Education

+002.026 >> Starting setup phase 1

+002.042 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 language: en-GB

+002.042 >> Starting setup phase 2

+002.049 >> _implicitFallbackString set to ""

+002.049 >> Starting setup phase 3

+002.197 >> FallbackString is ""

+002.198 >> Starting setup phase 4

+002.376 >> Generated XmlSerializer for requests/responses/server messages in (seconds): 0.1690097

+002.668 >> Starting setup phase 5

+002.671 >> Starting setup phase 6

+002.673 >> Starting setup phase 7

+002.752 >> Starting setup phase 8

+002.752 >> Starting setup phase 9

+002.757 >> Startup done

+003.460 >> Time for CreateAndRelinquishX3ProjectInstanceAtLaunch (seconds): 0.5360307

+003.819 >> Time to load lobby (seconds): 0.3580204

+003.819 >> Editor load completed

+022.439 >> Loading project from "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Projects\Robocup\Dir.ev3"

+024.661 >> Generating XmlSerializer for BlockHelpSupport took (seconds): 0.0080004

+025.595 >> Successfully loaded config file

+039.925 >> Time to create XmlSerializer for MEFAndSerializationHelper (seconds): 0.0540031

+047.287 >> Time to load project (seconds): 24.8474212

+114.247 >> Failed to log block removal from canvas - [Arg_NullReferenceException]


Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See

+136.845 >> Unhandled exception occurred at 2018-08-18_05-27-25-PM

System.NullReferenceException: [Arg_NullReferenceException]


Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See

at NationalInstruments.WireRouting.HighTowerRouting.HightowerRouter.ValidateDiagram(Point& offsetDiagram, Diagram& diagram, Terminal terminal, Point& point)

at NationalInstruments.WireRouting.HighTowerRouting.HightowerRouter.InitializeRouter(Wire wire, WireSegment endingWireSegment, Point startPoint, Terminal startTerminal, Diagram startDiagram, WireRouteDirections startDirection, Point endPoint, Terminal endTerminal, Diagram endDiagram, WireRouteDirections endDirection, IWiringBehavior wiringBehaviour, Boolean forceRoute, WireRoutingPurpose purpose, WireRouteDirections userDirection, Boolean isBranchingOperation)

at NationalInstruments.X3.Model.Wiring.X3HighTowerRouter.InitializeRouter(Wire wire, WireSegment endingWireSegment, Point startPoint, Terminal startTerminal, Diagram startDiagram, WireRouteDirections startDirection, Point endPoint, Terminal endTerminal, Diagram endDiagram, WireRouteDirections endDirection, IWiringBehavior wiringBehaviour, Boolean forceRoute, WireRoutingPurpose purpose, WireRouteDirections userDirection, Boolean isBranchingOperation)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireSmart(Wire wire, Terminal startTerminal, Point startPoint, Diagram startDiagram, WireRouteDirections startDirections, Terminal endTerminal, Point endPoint, Diagram endDiagram, WireRouteDirections endDirections, WireSegment endingWireSegment, Boolean forceLayout, WireRoutingPurpose purpose, WireRouteDirections userDirections, Boolean isBranchingOperation)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireToCore(WireJoint joint, WireRouteDirections userDirections, DiagramPoint endPoint, WireRouteDirections endDirections, WireSegment endingWireSegment, Terminal endTerminal, Boolean isBranchingOperation, Boolean retainPreviousRoute)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireToPoint(WireJoint joint, WireRouteHint userHint, DiagramPoint point, Boolean isBranchingOperation, Boolean retainPreviousRoute)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.WiringContext.TackCurrentWire(WireRouteHint userHint, DiagramPoint p, WiringTackBehavior behavior)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.WiringContext.EndOnDiagram(WireRouteHint userHint, DiagramPoint p)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Modeling.Diagram.EndWiring(WiringContext context, WireRouteHint userHint, DiagramPoint p)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.WiringTool.EndWiring(FrameworkElement child, IWiringEnd end, DiagramPoint p)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.WiringTool.EndWiringForMouse(UIPosition pos)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.WiringTool.HandlePreviewLeftButtonUp(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.DesigntimeCanvas.SendMouseEvent(IEnumerable`1 hitTestResult, Object sender, MouseEventArgs e, DependencyProperty tunnelProperty, DependencyProperty bubbleProperty)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.DesigntimeCanvas.ProcessMouseEvent(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e, DependencyProperty tunnelProperty, DependencyProperty bubbleProperty)

at NationalInstruments.SourceModel.Designer.DesigntimeCanvas.DesigntimeCanvas_MouseLeftButtonUp(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

at MS.Internal.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(UInt32 typeIndex, Delegate handlerDelegate, Object sender, Object args)

at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, Int32 actualArgsTypeIndex, String eventName, UInt32 flags)

Stack trace with ILOffsets:

at <Unknown>.HightowerRouter.ValidateDiagram (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.HightowerRouter.InitializeRouter (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.X3HighTowerRouter.InitializeRouter (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireSmart (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireToCore (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.ManhattanWiringBehavior.PreviewRouteWireToPoint (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringContext.TackCurrentWire (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringContext.EndOnDiagram (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.Diagram.EndWiring (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringTool.EndWiring (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringTool.EndWiringForMouse (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.WiringTool.HandlePreviewLeftButtonUp (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.DesigntimeCanvas.SendMouseEvent (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.DesigntimeCanvas.ProcessMouseEvent (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at <Unknown>.DesigntimeCanvas.DesigntimeCanvas_MouseLeftButtonUp (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at System.Windows.dll.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

at System.Windows.dll.JoltHelper.FireEvent (IL offset: 0xffffffff)

+136.845 >> App exiting (crash)



+000.006 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 launched at 2018-08-18_05-25-07-PM

+000.007 >> OS Type: Windows

+000.007 >> OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

+000.007 >> OS Bitness: 64-bit

+000.007 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 assembly file version: 1.0.50509.1

+000.007 >> MINDSTORMS EV3 build drop: R1-X3-Dev[GC]_20180509.1

+000.369 >> Bluetooth supported: True

+000.373 >> Bluetooth Primary Radio Information:

+000.373 >> Manufacturer: RalinkTechnology

+000.373 >> Software Manufacturer: Microsoft

+000.373 >> Stack Factory: InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothPublicFactory

+000.374 >> Hardware Status: Running

+000.375 >> Mode: Discoverable

+000.376 >> Class: 2010C

+000.377 >> Local Address: 54353060A8BA

+000.380 >> Enabling passive scan for TCP;USB

+000.407 >> Generated XmlSerializer for server messages in (seconds): 0.0210012

+000.628 >> Generated XmlSerializers for requests/responses messages in (seconds): 0.2140122

+003.311 >> Message queue successfully claimed.

+005.138 >> AppFullyLoadedEvent received

+138.190 >> App trying to exit (crash)

+138.193 >> WorkingSet64: 496,553,984

+138.193 >> PagedSystemMemorySize64: 973,544

+138.193 >> PagedMemorySize64: 455,147,520

+138.193 >> NonpagedSystemMemorySize64: 167,680

+138.193 >> PrivateMemorySize64: 455,147,520

+138.193 >> VirtualMemorySize64: 992,550,912

+140.586 >> App exiting (crash)

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11