LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS and LabVIEW for Education

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Creating New Blocks for LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT

During creation of new block I have a problems with initializaion of global variable for NXTCommLSWrite.
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Message 21 of 45
I read the "Creating LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Software Blocks" and follow it's steps  to do,I create a New Block Using the New NXT BLOCK wIzard,it's succeed.But when I follow the steps below,open with LaBVIEW,I can not follow the second step. " On the block diagram double-click to open the Simple Sensor Sub VI". Because when I open the NewBlock only have front  panel,and do not see block diagram,so I can not find the Simle Sensor Sub VI block to click it. I am using LabVIEW 7.1 with LEGO MINDSTORMS tools kits.
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Message 22 of 45



I'm a veteran to Labview (started with version 4.0), but I'm new to NTX and feel like I do not know anything. Any of the posted examples in this thead or any other thread wont compile on our system. I have LV 8.6 on my laptop and at the schollwe have 8.5 - eihter one fails when we try to download the VI's to the NTX. Mainly it wont accept any VI that is passowrd protected or has an array/loop function in it. I'm getting to the point that I believe that our firmware must be really old (we have 1.21) or some other really stupid issue. I hate to admit it, but I'm lost at the moment. Any help is greatly appreciated


Helmer Andersen 

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Message 23 of 45

Newer LEGO/HiTechnic Sensors: Are they supported in the LabVIEW NXT Toolkit?  Specifically, I want to use the new Compass, Gyro, Acceleration, and IR Communication sensors with my NXT.  I found the NXT-G blocks available to download on the HiTechnic website.  But I like using LabVIEW to program my NXT.  Is there an updated NXT Toolkit or a patch for it that adds that functionality?  


Thanks   -David

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Message 24 of 45

I belive firmware v1.21 is the most recent one out there for FRC robots.  My kids don't compete in FRC, so I only have experience with 1.05 firmware. 


Do you have the NXT Toolkit ( and have you mass compiled it?  Do the simple examples in Getting Started ( work?


One of the problems you may be encountering is that the NXT only does integer math and only supports a subset of the functions available in LabVIEW.  Therefore, any vi which contains any other function will generate an error.

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Message 25 of 45
Found my own solution (again).  The folks at HiTechnic emailed me the VI's that work for (most) of these sensors.  How kind..
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Message 26 of 45