03-11-2008 09:08 AM
03-26-2008 11:46 AM
11-11-2008 08:28 PM
I'm a veteran to Labview (started with version 4.0), but I'm new to NTX and feel like I do not know anything. Any of the posted examples in this thead or any other thread wont compile on our system. I have LV 8.6 on my laptop and at the schollwe have 8.5 - eihter one fails when we try to download the VI's to the NTX. Mainly it wont accept any VI that is passowrd protected or has an array/loop function in it. I'm getting to the point that I believe that our firmware must be really old (we have 1.21) or some other really stupid issue. I hate to admit it, but I'm lost at the moment. Any help is greatly appreciated
Helmer Andersen
01-03-2009 01:12 AM
Newer LEGO/HiTechnic Sensors: Are they supported in the LabVIEW NXT Toolkit? Specifically, I want to use the new Compass, Gyro, Acceleration, and IR Communication sensors with my NXT. I found the NXT-G blocks available to download on the HiTechnic website. But I like using LabVIEW to program my NXT. Is there an updated NXT Toolkit or a patch for it that adds that functionality?
Thanks -David
01-06-2009 10:32 AM
I belive firmware v1.21 is the most recent one out there for FRC robots. My kids don't compete in FRC, so I only have experience with 1.05 firmware.
Do you have the NXT Toolkit (http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4435) and have you mass compiled it? Do the simple examples in Getting Started (ftp://ftp.ni.com/evaluation/mindstorms/LabVIEW_Toolkit_for_LMS_NXT_Getting_Started_Guide.pdf) work?
One of the problems you may be encountering is that the NXT only does integer math and only supports a subset of the functions available in LabVIEW. Therefore, any vi which contains any other function will generate an error.
01-06-2009 02:09 PM