LabVIEW Web UI Builder and Data Dashboard

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bluetooth network



I have the following devices/softs:

Win7 x64 laptop with LabView 2014 Pro,

Samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 with Android 4.2.2


In our lab environment we are not allowed to use WIFI, but bluetooth is OK (i did not ask for details why, I guess the different power/range to cause interferences...?)

Anyone has experiance/advice about how to setup a bluetooth network, so I could use shared variables? I need only indicators (pressure levels, flow meters, etc) on the tablet. I am running the application as a built EXE on the laptop, and LabView runtime engine 2014 installed on it too (on this target laptop, there is no LabView installed, another laptop is used for developments).




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14

Hi Blokk,


here is some interesting material for you to work with.


1)Using LabVIEW with Wireless Devices


2)Bluetooth VIs and Functions


3) Examples:


  • labview\examples\Data Communication\Protocols\Bluetooth\Simple Bluetooth\Simple Bluetooth.lvproj

Best regards






Roman Rolnik
Application Engineer
NI Germany
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14

thanks! I dig into it 🙂


But in order to use LabView DataDashboard, I need to establish simply a network between the laptop and the tablet, right?

So I think it would be more simple first, to figure out how to create such a network (not with LabView) via bluetooth, and test whether Datadashboard works with it...

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

Sure thing:


here is what you are looking for:


Getting Started with Data Dashboard for LabVIEW




Roman Rolnik
Application Engineer
NI Germany
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

thanks, but I know how to make a Data Dashboard connection, I already did (ok, the win firewall had to be off) via WIFI to get shared variable data on my android phone and tablet.It worked OK. However it seems I cannot manage via a bluetooth PersonalAreaNetwork. I think the main problem is that, I cannot establish a constant bluetooth connection. I also set a fix IP address for the "bluetooth network connection" in my Win7 system, but I still cannot connect to this IP address. Otherwise, if I try to browse files using the laptop on my android phone, or reversed way, bluetooth works.


Anyone knows how to setup a proper bluetooth network, and manage to broadcast and read a shared variable (double)?



ps.: actually there is one thing I do not understand: when I start my VI including the network shared variable, I see the following line (next to some others):


Deploying demo1.lvlib:demo1\\\demo1\demo1 deployed.
Deployment completed successfully.

 This above IP address the one I get dynamically via a local wifi network. How can I force LabView to deploy the shared variable via the fix IP address which I set for the bluetooth PAN (for example


edit2: I tried to change the connection using the NI Distributed System Manager, but I am totally lost how to do it... 🙂 Is that possible to choose network device and IP for deployment?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14

Did you try to find Bluetooth examples from our examples library?

Roman Rolnik
Application Engineer
NI Germany
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14

The problem here is the Android side, since I cannot make NI Data Dashboard work over bluetooth.

Before I could try those LabView bluetooth examples, I must have a client on my Android tablet or phone. What I will try to do is to learn a bit how to use AppInventor to develope a small Android application to receive bluetooth communication (from the laptop/LabView). If I have success, I will share the application here.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

Data Dashboard only works with network connections, but if you can manage to get your Android device to route the traffic over the bluetooth connection then it should work. Any time you are dealing with multiple active network interfaces you need to make sure that the routing is configured so that the traffic you want to to go through a specific network interface will be routed through that interface. I have no idea how to do that on Android.


The same applies on the desktop side, though. If your desktop has ethernet and bluetooth networking then you need to be sure that your routing settings are configured so that your computer knows which device to use for which IP addresses.


The last trick is to convince LabVIEW to listen on the right IP address so that its web service is accessible through the bluetooth device. I don't know how to do that. I'll ask someone to check for you if that is possible.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14

Oh, you were using shared variables. I'll ask about that too.


FYI, if you end up rolling your own application using your own protocol the LabVIEW TCP listen API can take an IP address to listen on.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

thanks very much for info!

Yep, the problem is that I am not really familiar with networking (beside many other things 🙂 ) However, I have got an info from a programmer that it should not be too difficult to develope a basic apk for Android, which could get data via BT from the laptop, where I could run a BT server...

But it would be totally wonderful if NI provided such a Android BT application with some BT example VIs... People would love it!

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Message 10 of 14