04-16-2015 02:35 PM
I am trying to do decode the coming packets. For example, continuously bit stream are came from anywhere. The , I have to do seperate my desired bit values from flowing. In order to that, I decide to use index element of for loop. In each loop, just one bit comes and I want to compare this bit with my desired bit. My code is in attachment as a basic.
04-16-2015 03:43 PM
Would seem much simpler in plain LabVIEW. 😄
04-16-2015 04:30 PM
04-16-2015 04:36 PM
Well, decribe the problem in detail, maybe with some examples. What is a "desired bit"? (for single a bit, you only have two possibilities and the problem is trivial). How big is an "incoming packet"? Where does it come from? What is the datatype? What is action is"separate"? What is "flowing"? Where does the processed data go?
(Looking at mathscript code is not something I like doing. 😄 )
04-16-2015 04:46 PM