Altenbach, I can attach sample code, but my development machine does not have a connection to the internet so it is some work.
I will add that when I run the Mathscript code in Labview on My Computer it calculates the answer correctly. The problem is only apparent when I try to run it on the CRIO target. It seems that Labview does not support running fsolve_zeros() on the CRIO, which to my knowledge is the only function for solving a system of nonlinear equations.
My main Mathscript node is:
fsolve_zeros('myfunc', [4,1]);
And myfunc is an m file that defines my nonlinear system of equations. It would not build on My Computer if the syntax was wrong, so I don't think that is the problem.
EDIT: I did not realize that you were the same as the comment above. Yes I checked to make sure that the strings I put together were syntactically correct. They were as follows:
va*x0 + vb*x1 + vd*x0*x1 + ve*x0*log(1/T) + vg*x0^2*x1 + vi*x1^2*x0 + vk*x0^2*x1^2 + vp*x1^3*x0 + vq*x1^3*log(1/T) + vr*x0^3*x1^2 + vs*x0^3*x1*log(1/T) + vv*x1^3*x0^2 + vy*x0^3*x1^3 + vz - visc;
ca*x0 + cb*x1 + cc*log(1/T) + cd*x0*x1 + ce*x0*log(1/T) + cf*x1*log(1/T) + cl*x0^2*x1*log(1/T) + cm*x1^2*x0*log(1/T) + co*x0^3*log(1/T) + ct*x0^2*x1^2*log(1/T) + cu*x1^3*x0*log(1/T) + cx*x1^3*x0^2*log(1/T) + cz - cond;
However, all the constants are defined in my code. so va, vb, ... are actually numbers. (including T, cond, visc)
for example it looks more like: 1.5*x0 + 2*x1 .. etc..