LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Hello my friends,

How i can use the MPU-6050 Module 3 Axis Gyroscope+Accelerometer, Module for Arduino MPU 6050 with LabVIEW Interface for Arduino for reading data (Gyroscope+Accelerometer)

in  labview ,because i want to make my own quadcopter with interface labview,thank you all very much,


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Message 1 of 35


A quick search for MPU-6050 suggests it uses I2C so you can use the LIFA I2C VIs in LabVIEW to start talking to it.  You'll have to read the data sheet for the device to see what commands to send and what responses you'll get.

Let us know if you have specific questions.


-Sam K

LIFA Developer

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 35

The other option is to use an existing library for the device and integrate it into LIFA.  One person posted what he or she thinks is a really good library for the sensor here.

As I mention in that thread, you would need to create custom LIFA functions (in both the firmware and LabVIEW) that accessed and/or processes commands for the sensor and returns relevant data.

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Message 3 of 35


Could you point me toward a tutorial on using the I2C and or the LIFA library functions you mentioned?

I am looking for a pre-101 starting point. The next step is interrogating the MPU6050 with a quadcopter. The photo shows height control working via sonic sensor.

Thank you,

Mike Petro

Quad height control.jpg

See ya,

Mike Petro
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 35

Using the LIFA I2C VIs is fairly straight forward.  Just remember that the R/W bit is implemented by LIFA natively and you only need to give it the 7-bit device address.  Also, I always try to base my first code for a sensor on a working Arduino code so that I know that the sensor is initialized correctly.

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Message 5 of 35

Estimado lo mejor que puedes hacer es olvidarte del lifa... Usa este link y mete el codigo. olvidate de la direccion ya que por defecto es la 0x68. lo otro, el mpu6050 no necesita resistencias pull-ups ya que estas estan internamente en la tarjeta con resistencias de 10k y en labview debes hacer la trasmision serial tal cual como lo harias con un microcontrolador ya que arduino en si... es un microcontrolador... te dejo una imagen de mi trabajo... ahora en el codigo main mpu6050 solo hice una modificacion en el serial print para que me mostrara los datos mas ordenado

acelerometro x,y,z: 0000,0000,0000 giroscopo x,y,z: 0000 0000 0000 y buena la temperatura no la puse por que no la necesito.MPU6050.jpg

Estimado amigo... espero esto te resulte porque conmigo si que lo hizo... y adios dolores de cabeza con el tal repugnante lifa Soy de Chile y mi correo es por cualquier consulta... ojala tambien me puedas ayudar porque en lo que estoy ahora es interpretar los datos enviados por la mpu6050 y hacer la conversion de unidad en labview....

Message 6 of 35

That may work if that is the only thing you need to do with the Arduino.  If you need/want to use the Arduino for other thing simultaneously, you need to use LIFA (or write custom firmware everytime you want to change something).

I wrote a library for this IMU here if anybody is interested.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 35

Have you tried the "Set Fullscale Accel" that is include in my library for the device?

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Message 8 of 35

Pourriez-vous m'envoyer le Fichier vi de CECI:MPU6050.jpg


Mon courrier interest

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 35

Attached is a VI to read the 6050 MPU with MyRio. This is part of a project that is a work in progress, so let me know if it doesn't work for you for some reason.

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Message 10 of 35