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I2C Communication with MCP9600 Thermocouple chip


I am trying to acquire temperature reading using THERMO k CLICK board attached to Arduino UNO.

I managed to read registers on the chip which gives values but when applied to the calculation given in datasheet, temperature reading doesn't seem to be correct.


I am struggling to understand how to setup address and pointers in Labview LINX or LIFA according to page 17 in MCP9600 datasheet

Really appreciate if someone can advise on this.

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Message 1 of 5

Hello, I am also trying to read temperatures with MCP9600 but I'm kinda new to the software and there isn't almost anything on this topic anywhere, so I am asking to you, have you managed to read the temperatures? Can you please share your VI? Thank you.

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Message 2 of 5

Hi all,


Looks like its been over 4 years and still no answer to this question. i've also been trying to get this to work but i dont quite understand how to initiate the start command that the Datasheet describes.


can anyone who is familair with i2c please help?





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Message 3 of 5

Can you upload your VI in a previous version?

if you are not experienced in i2c, i give you 2 advices to learn how to use.


1) you can see the arduino library, learn how that works, and try to develop your own LabVIEW application

2) use custom command.

for 1) get the arduino IDE library, read documentation and try to follow the example sketch and the inner working of the library files.
for 2) see these links:

Jorge Augusto Pessatto Mondadori, PhD
Sistema Fiep
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Message 4 of 5

Hi thanks for the reply and sorry for the delayed response.


I have a basic understanding of how i2c works, the format required in labview to communicate with the device is what i am struggling with


the data sheet state the following:




Im using only 1 MCP9600 so i take this to mean the slave address is 1100000 (0x60). Then i write to the register 00000000 (0x0) which is the hot junction and lastly in the loop i read from the address above.


after the first read no matter what i do, i get error 5000. it might be a hardware problems but i would like to have a second pair of eyes look at the code and confirm thats ok.


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