LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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There is no I2C communication regarding this sensor.

Did you upload my custom firmware to your Arduino?  Nothing in my library will work if you haven't done this.

To use my VI's from the library, you can simply add any VI directly into your program.

EDIT:  I found an error in my library for this sensor which happened because I had to change the LIFA function ID.

Message 31 of 78

ok i uploaded the updated LIFA and checked with one of my VI it works fine but the VI Example is not giving me any sensor read (timeout error 5003)

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 78

ok so here what i finally came too

i did as the following

1- cleared my arduino and installed the latest custom LIFA u sent to me

2-add the Labview library to [C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\vi.lib\LabVIEW Interface for Arduino]

3-checked my connection and got the sensor work in arduino program fine and double checked in labview with pin13 LED on off VI working fine

4-ran the Example u made [+added the pin controller and constant VISA inputs like COM number and arduino borad type etc.]

5-now its not giving me the (timeout error) but the arduino keeps fliker with out any read from the sensor no change in the thermometer ........

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Message 33 of 78

Dear Nathan_B,

Is it possible to receive data from the Dht11 just using VISA? Or I have to use LIFA?

I'm trying to do an application using Xbee and I already can get the data at serial monitor of Arduino, but not in Labview.

Thanks in advance

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Message 34 of 78

VISA is used for serial communication, the DHT11 does not use serial communication.

Have you tried custom code I posted above with LIFA?

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Message 35 of 78

I tought that what I can see at serial monitor of arduino is what is written at serial port, isn't it? I tried to use Visa, but I got the error: ERR[-1073807202]

I'm going to try your code, but I'm really a beginner with arduino and labview. In the folder 'Custom Firmware" I have 2 files .INO, what is the file that I need to upload at my arduino board?

Where do I have to put the other files?

Could you please tell me step by step? I'm using the pin A0 at my arduino board.

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Message 36 of 78

If you have the Arduino streaming data back via Serial, you cannot use LIFA.  LIFA is a command based structure.  All communication has to go through LIFA functions if you want to use LIFA.

If all you want to do is monitor the serial port (because you have non-LIFA code running on Arduino) then I'm sure you can find posts about creating a serial monitor with LabVIEW (not related to LIFA).

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Message 37 of 78

All of the files go onto the Arduino.  Follow the normal instructions for installing LIFA if you would like to try LIFA with my modifications.  Also, this device uses a digital pin not an analog pin.  If this is not the case, could you post the Arduino code that you have working?

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Message 38 of 78

Ok, so attached you can find what I did until now. There is a pic showing how I wired my sensor with arduino (but using a xbee shield). I do got a Putty to see what is at serial port, you can see attached.

I appreciate for your help

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Message 39 of 78

Jeri ths is a digital sensor how did you got it working in analog pin ????????????

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Message 40 of 78