LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Connect Labview & Arduino DUE

ok sir

am sorry

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Message 11 of 16

Attached are a script and VI for demonstrating the use of Labview with an Arduino Due.  This demo does not use LIFA.   An example for reading data from analog input pin A0 and blinking a LED on digital pin 13 are in the demo.

Use a potentiometer to produce a test signal for this example.  Note the Arduino Due ADC full scale range is 3.3 volts.  Whereas the full scale range for an Arduino Uno ADC is 5 volts.   Hence connect one side of the potentiometer to 3.3 volts, the other side to ground and the wiper to pin A0.  The LED on pin 13 is built into the Arduiino Due.

To use the demo unpack analogReadTest, compile the script and download the code to your Arduino Due.  Version 1.5.6-r2 of the Arduino IDE is compatible with the Arduino Due.  Note the serial port the Arduino IDE uses for downloading.

Test the sketch by using Arduino's Serial Monitor to send either an "a" or "b" to the Adruino Due.  Do not include quotation marks with the character being sent. One analog reading will be returned to the serial monitor for each "a" sent to the Arduino Due.  The on-off state of the LED will change each time "b" is sent to the Arduino Due.

For analog readings

Open the VI

Set Visa resource name to the COM port you used when uploading the sketch.

Set Delay before read to 25 ms.

Accept the default values for the other controls.

Enter "a" in the string to write text box.

Press the Labview Run button.

You should see analog data in the read string box being updated once a second.

To blink the LED

Open the VI

Set Visa resource name to the COM port you used when uploading the sketch.

Set the read switch for the read string text bx to off.

Accept the default values for the other controls.

Enter "b" in the string to write text box.

Press the Labview Run button.  You should see a LED blinking at a rate of 1 second on and 1 second off.


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Message 12 of 16

Hi !

I need the Labview interface for Arduino DUE

Sammy, you know when you will have the LIFA for DUE? Or Linx support for DUE?


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Message 13 of 16

LIFA is no longer being developed and is not officially supported.  IIRC, Sammy has plans on supporting the Due in LINX.  You should check out the LINX forums for more information about LINX features.

Message 14 of 16

Hey Sammy_K

When can I expect LINX to start supporting Arduino Due..??

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16

Harshit20 wrote:

Hey Sammy_K

When can I expect LINX to start supporting Arduino Due..??

You should post in the LINX forum (at since Sam doesn't generally respond here anymore.  I saw him post something recently in the LINX forums about the Arduino Due becoming officially supported by the Arduino IDE so the it's getting closer.

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Message 16 of 16