LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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ADXL345 to LabVIEW

Greetings community.

Does anyone have an ready VI that acquires data from a ADXL345 using an Arduino Uno, so that I can create graphics using that data?

I`ve found an old thread discussing it, but the question was never really solved.

I really appreciate any help you can give me.

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Message 1 of 3

Hello, for some time to develop a demonstration program with that sensor, I hope you can help, but you can improve it as it is a basic poc, good luck

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Carlos,

A company I consult for really should upgrade their vibration measurement game, but they feel a hand-held single-axis wand is adequate. I'm looking to get something simple and cheap going, and maybe they'll spring for a proper IEPE setup sometime down the road.

I'll try this setup out, and if it's on the right track could I contact you here or in PMs?

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