first of all: I have to warn you, I'm completely new to LabView 😉
I'm dealing with a student research project at my university. In my project I'm researching the possibilities to port an existing LabView-Programm written on a tablet PC running Win7 on a smaller PanelPC (embedded display) running Windows CE. LabView is creating a human-machine-interface to supervise and control components via CAN-Bus on a electrified sail plane. The porting on the small panel PC is due to limited space in the cockpit.
Therefore I've found an embedded display running Windows CE 6.0 and a ARM9 processor with CAN-Bus controller onboard, drivers included.
You may look it up here: emtrion DIMM MX257
Before we can order the board and start the porting it is important to know if its possible to use the boards CAN-Bus under LabView. Will there be driverrelated problems? Is there anyone who has experience with application of Labview on embedded displays / WinCE?
Thankyou in advance!