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Can Labview be used for programming of Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontroller for Sensor applications?

Hi aarief,


I believe you used VISA driver to get the values from the USB reciever module through product specific commands. 


In my scenario, I need to program, compile and link the microcontroller code from LabVIEW. Is there any way to do that? Or have you heard of any sort of interaction between LabVIEW and IAR ?


Thanks & Regards,




0 Kudos
Message 11 of 16

 I am using ez430rf2500 in my project. I need to use LABVIEW (preferably Signal Express) to read my data on the PC. Please, can someone help me with the VIs required.


Thanks in anticipation.


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16

i want to ask that how i can configure msp430-rf2500 after installing drivers from visa(device wizard). i m not getting the data coming from the msp430-rf2500 where as i m getting that data in the hyper terminal.Plz guide me!

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16


i am using NI WSN 3202 node which is attached with the IEEE802.15.4 ANTENNA , This microcontroller is MSP430 in it. I would like to know that can i be able to access the microcontroller pins with the I2C interface, because the sensor i am using is ADXL345 (ACCELEROMETER SENSOR) and BMP045 (PRESSURE SENSOR) These both sensors are placed on the same chip and giving the digital data and require the I2C interface to connect it.

Please reply as soon as possible

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16

Hi, I also have an MSP430 and I need to get a singal from an accelerometer into labview- Have you found a solution to your problem? Please do let me know. 





0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16

Hi, I also have an MSP430 and I need to get a singal from an accelerometer into labview- Have you found a solution to your problem? Please do let me know. 





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Message 16 of 16