LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite

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Read data from 2 USB ports



Would you kindly help me on this.. I'm not sure if this kind of communication from 2 usb port is possible. I'm trying to get data from 2 USB ports that are from arduino uno board and Phidget interface kit. But whenever i run the program, only one of the data that's coming out. When I select visa serial port for arduino, value from arduino is appear but not from phidget as they does not have vi to select usb port. Image attached.


Thank you.


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Hey Aidasaufi,


This forum is meant for users programming with LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite.


For your system I highly recommend moving to LINX to program your Arduino. I also think you should move this discussion to LabVIEW MakerHub. The forum members there are more familiar with using LabVIEW with "Maker" devices.




Michael Bilyk
Former NI Software Engineer (IT)
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