Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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varian multigauge controller

I have a problem communicating with my varian multigauge controller.  I have labview 7.0 and I am trying to use the VISA vis to talk to the controller, unfortunately every time I try to write a command, i receive an error with source: "VISA Read in Untitled 1".  I have not yet been able to establish any communication with the controller.  The command I am trying is #0001 (and then concatenating a carriage return).  I've tried writing labview code using all different combinations of VISA open, configure, flush, write, read, etc.  Nothing seems to be working.  I would like to communicate with the device either through USB or through RS232.  Can anyone help?
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Message 1 of 25
If you get an error, you have to provide the error code if you want someone to help you fix the problem.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 25
error code is -1073807339

Error -1073807339 occurred at VISA Read in Untitled 1

Possible reason(s):

VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.

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Message 3 of 25
First, have you tried using hyperterminal to communicate to the instrument? The error indicates you are not getting any data back or you are getting data but it's not terminated the same way as you set it up with the VISA Configure Serial Port. Being able to establish communication with hyperterminal will verify the com settings, the cable, and that the command is valid.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 25
I have already tried using hyperterminal.  All the port settings match the multi-gauge settings, but when I try to type a command, no characters show up in the hyperterminal text box.  It's like hyperterminal doesn't acknowledge me striking any keys.  Might this be because I'm not making a connection between the computer and the multi-gauge? Or is this because my hyperterminal just isn't working?
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Message 5 of 25
You could have the wrong type of serial cable if you are sure that the command you are sending is correct. I doubt that hyperterminal is broken since you are seeing the same behavior in LabVIEW. The possiblity exists that the serial port itself is broken but you can simply loop back the tx and rx lines of the serial port to verify that. The manual should explain the type of cable required -either a null modem or straight through.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 25
I figured out the problem.  There were little switches on the RS232 card in the multi-gauge that needed to be flipped in order to allow communication.  Thanks for all your help though!
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 25

could you forward your subvi  to me, I have exactly same problem as you are now. if you could help me to figure out the reason, it would be wounderful!
in my case, I already switch the rs232 dip.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 25
Hey tangwenxin,
Sounds like that you could just use one of the example programs to communicate with the device. In LabVIEW, select Help->Find Examples... This should load up Example Finder and from this navigate to Hardware Input and Output->Serial. I would recommend the Basic Serial Write and, this should allow you to test your device for general purpose communication.
Can Wong
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 25
Can W,

Thanks, I got it. Nowt the program is runing very well on my computer.
In fact, I also have other problem, since I use Labview 7.0, I found it is hard
to find USB communication, is there any way that I can talk with my USB
instrument by some method?


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Message 10 of 25