I kept having this "Distribution Not Found" error when I was trying to build a distribution for my application. Please see the attachment for error detail. This error kept coming back even after I cleaned up the project and copied all source files to another folder and started with a new project.
Typically I ask for a debug log of your installer in these cases, but you may not need to. The debug log will essentially tell me what component (CVI Run-Time Engine, driver components, etc) our deployment framework is trying to grab from you distribution. Anyway, here's whats going on:
You had some user-created distribution named "Unity Sensing Test 1.0.1 Installer" that was installed on that machine at some point. Maybe you burned that distribution to a CD on the P:\ drive and then ran the installer on that same computer. At some point during the distribution build, our framework prompts you for that distribution (its asking for some component). Apparently that was the last location a needed component was installed from. Again, the debug log would tell us what component it needs. Now, if you have the CD with that old distribution on it, you could insert it and be done. However, my guess is that you don't so here's what you can do.
To keep our deployment framework from asking for the "Unity Sensing ..." distribution, you need to remove
a registry key. So all you have to do is search/scan the keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/National
Instruments/Common/Installer/Distributions for "Unity Sensing Test 1.0.1 Installer" and delete the entire
key. The next time you build, you shouldn't be prompted for that distribution.
The idea to remember is that if our deployment framework can't find the needed components on the hard drive, it will prompt you for a CD that installed those components.