11-13-2020 05:27 PM
I am using NI GPIB-USB-HS device to control Keithley 2700, Chroma load and Agilent DC power supply. I have all the devices connected and I can see it as the GPIB devices in Python.
But when I tried this self identification command, I get an error saying,
This happens to any command that I try to run. I have the drivers installed. I am not sure where I am going wrong.
Is there any setup that should be done before running these commands? Any suggestions would help.
Thank you!
11-14-2020 09:32 PM
Looks like you have pyVISA configured correctly, but just in case read - https://pyvisa.readthedocs.io/en/1.8/faq.html#faq
Which device is at address 3? Keithley 2700 and the Agilent DC supply (if it's newish) should reply to "*IDN?" Not sure about the Chroma.
Are you sending termination characters or how are they being handles? I think at the least that needs a "\r", o r"\r\n" but it depends on the instrument settings.
Its been awhile since I used pyVISA, but I think termination or timeout is the problem here. Look here for details - https://pyvisa.readthedocs.io/en/1.8/resources.html