Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Setting GPIB termination character

Question about instrument configuration.

I am working with a test rig which contains about 20 old instruments. Most of them from the 70's. My task is to replace the HP 9836 computer controlling these instruments and translate all code from BASIC to C++.

I need to be able to configure termination individually for each instrument. Is there a configuration file where i can accomplish this? I thought i had found it in the gpib.ini file in the NI-488.2 folder but any change i make in this file has no effect. (Especially a HP 5345A counter seems to require setting termination character to CR).



Connect = GPIB0

DeviceName = DEV12

EOSchar = 0x0D

EOScmp = 7-bit

EOSrd = No

EOSwrt = No

EOT = Yes

PAD = 12


SAD = None

SPollTime = 1sec

TMO = 10sec

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I seem to remember being able to do that, but not the details of how anymore.  You could setup the bus to not send any termination characters, then send them yourself as required.  I'd create my own INI with gpib address as keys and termination characters as values.  I'd then read the instrument GPIB addresses and termination characters into an array and then write a function that selects the termination based on the GPIB address.


Hope that helps,


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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Craig! I am happy to hear that it might be possible. My main concern is that while it is possible to send whatever termination I need, I still have to get the GPIB driver to terminate when receiving this character also. The communication capture i have recorded proves that the instrument is not asserting EOI, which cause a timeout to occur every time i try to read from the instrument.

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