Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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No access to visa session Handle in NationalInstruments.Visa?

I am currently converting some code from using NationalInstruments.VisaNS to NationalInstruments.Visa. I have hit an unexpected problem when it comes to getting a Handle of the visa session, as I have some legacy equipment which has a COM driver that requires the session handle.


In NI.VisaNS, you have access to a Handle property, which returns the session Handle. In the replacement, Ni.Visa, the VisaHandle property is not exposed. I'm assuming it is because the NativeVisaSession Handle property in ivi.Visa is not exposed, so NI.Visa cannot access the handle. 


So, is there a workaround (I'm assuming not, but there may be another way that I haven't discovered yet), or is there a way for NI to escalate this to the IVI Foundation to see if they can modify ivi.Visa to expose the Handle? 


Thank you.


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