That is a better question! My experience is mostly with IEEE 488.2
instruments, which are required to terminate with LF+EOI.
Unfortunately, each different (non IEEE 488.2) instrument is unique.
Since this only should matter for binary data (with ASCII data, CR and
LF characters are typically considered whitespace), you need to look at
how binary data is transferred. With IEEE 488.2, there are two forms of
binary data:
1) #0...LF+EOI
2) #x123...
The first one is arbitray binary data which starts with #0 and has
binary data all the way until the next-to-last byte. The last byte is
always LF+EOI. The second one is defiite binary data which starts with
a # sign followed by one number that indicates the number of digits in
the count. The count then follows. After the count is exactly count
number of binary characters. Afterwards you would expect to either see
LF+EOI or perhaps a semicolon to start a subsequent response message
If you are using an IEEE 488.1 device to transfer binary data, you will
need to consult the user's manual for the parsing information. If
others have experience with non IEEE 488.2 instruments, please post
your general experience.
No knowing exactly what you are producing and how you plan to let your
users interact with the software, I have never seen a termination
character except for LF, CR, and CRLF.
I don't know if I answered your question exactly, but I hope so....