I'd like to be able to run a Raspberry pi with a touchscreen running a LabVIEW executable (Linux OS). Is this doable?
I can currently get the front panel connected to a raspi fine using a windows laptop and hobbyist toolkit, but the windows screen acts as the front panel interaction. I'd like to switch to using Linux IDE and then deploying an exectuable for an HMI interaction and also controlling devices/recording sensors.
I'm continuing this conversation I had on the main forum into here because I figured I might get some more specific info on the hobbyist toolkit and using Linux.
Conclusion on this discussion was that I could get a .exe running on the raspi headless and use a Linux OS to communicate to the .exe but we would need to find some sort of communication between the two. I'd like to actually run the raspi with a touchscreen so the Raspi is running Linux frontpanel.