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Help: Creating Labview UserInterface on RaspberryPi

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Hi community,


I´m running the Hobbyist Toolkit 2024 Q1 on my RaspberryPi 4B and would like to output a Labview UserInterface on the Raspberry Pi, in which e.g. real-time data can be displayed and/or I/Os of the Pi can be controlled. I scanned through the internet and have only found a few years old information that pannel support is not possible on the Pi. 

I found a solution, which is using a web server and a web application using the LabVIEW NXG Web Modul and therefor allows you to display a front panel on the RaspberryPi, but does not allow you to send data to the Pi. 

This solution is given in a blog series from MediaMongrels called Make-ing with LabVIEW & Raspberry Pi: Part4- User Interfaces with Labview NXG WebVIs.

It also mentions a way to design interactive interfaces that allow the Pi to be controlled via front panels and not just display VIs, but this topic was never taken further and the post is from 2019.


My first question now is whether there is currently a possibility to output a front panel on the Pi without a webserver/local server.

If not, my second question would be whether it is now possible to create a web server front panel that allows me to control I/Os, for example, or send data to the Pi.


Thank you.


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by BoltzMann1

No the LabVIEW runtime used on the RaspberryPi in conjunction with the Hobbyist Toolkit is fundamentally the same as what NI uses for their ARM based realtime targets. And they are all headless and do not have any support for displaying front panels anywhere.


If you want to control a LabVIEW program on the Raspberry Pi you have to resort to some form of TCP/IP based protocol. Possible solutions are implementing your own protocol, using the VI server, or use some other method such as MQTT or similar to synchronize the two sides. For MQTT and similar you basically have a third entity, the server, which manages the resources and your Raspberry Pi would post its data and query its parameters from that server, while your remote client(s) query the data items and can post commands to the parameter items.


You could then use other software to display the MQTT data on a HTML5 page for instance or even more directly provide HTML5 from your LabVIEW application, but this last one is quite a bit of work.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 2 of 3

Hi rolfk, 

thank you for your answer. 

Coincidentally, I stumbled across a blog post at this moment which is similar to the process you described (correct me if i am wrong): 

https://www.mediamongrels.com/2020/01/ .


Apparently this is kind of the way to go.




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