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Controlling a DC motor in LabVIEW (LINX) with a L298N H-Bridge IC and Relay

Hi All, 


If you already haven't seen on the main LabVIEW forum I created a topic where I post tutorials on how to do things in LINX with platforms such as the Arduino and ESP8266 platforms. 


Here is my latest tutorial, where I show you how to control a DC motor in LabVIEW with an Arduino + L298N/Relay.


Best Regards,

Sin | Electrical Engineer & Principal Consultant 


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I looked the video "LabVIEW Basics #7 - ESP8266 ESP-01 TCP/IP Socket Server + LabVIEW TCP/IP Client + USB Programmer Mod" on youtube and I have a question about it. (Sorry, I just find here as the relevant place to ask)


As you may know ESP82xx (as server) has the limit of 5 client connection. I have an access-point that supports up to 255 connection at the same time. Now, I want to build the DHCP server with Labview which runs on local computer. All other modules which are equipped with ES82xx will connect to the access-point and I want to send and receive data with the interface developed by Labview.


Could you please provide me some information about it?

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