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Cannot open Arduino through LINX (though Arduino itself works fine with PC)

Dear Community,


I want to use Arduino Mega2560 and Micro through LabVIEW. I followed the instructions shown in [https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019TmpSAE&l=en-US]. I went through the Firmware Wizard and tried an example "LINX - Analog Read 1 Channel.vi". However, it fails to connect to the Arduino board and keeps me give error which says, "Please make sure that the LINX firmware is loaded on the device (Tools>>MakerHub >>LINX>>Firmware Wizard) that there are no other open connections to the device, then check the configuration settings, and try again."


I am using Arduino 1.8.18 with its base path of C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino, which Firmware Wizard can find. I also tried the latest Arduino 2.x beforehand, but it didn't work either because the Wizard could not find a proper Arduino in C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE. I tried both "Pre-build firmware" and "Build with Arduino IDE". In both cases, the Wizard says the firmware is completed, but LINX Open Serial vi does not work for both of cases. 


I also checked if the PC could connect to the Arduino itself and a simple LED blinking code worked well. 


I am using;

LabVIEW 2023Q3

Arduino 1.8.18

Arduino MEGA2560

Arduino Micro

Windows 10 (In future switched to Win11)

Driver; Device manager says the Arduino driver is the most desirable one.


If you could share me any idea or tips, that would be really wonderful. Thank you.


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