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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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03-21-2021 11:36 AM
Hello World! 🙂
this is Nino. First of all thanks for accepting me in this community!
I am trying to read the temperature of a K-thermocouple interfaced with a MAX6675 SPI, using Arduino and Labview.
However, I could not find any information / tutorial on how to make this project working and I have no Idea on how to do this.
I am using:
My MAX6675 is connected with the following PINs
Could you, please, post a working VI for this project or Post some instructions I can refer to?
Thanks in advance for reading my post and for your kindness
03-21-2021 06:13 PM
Could you also send me a working LabVIEWInterface.ino, configured for reading the MAX6675 shield, please?
03-22-2021 06:46 AM
Unfortunatelly i do not have this solution made yet.
However there is an example of linx communication with arduino usint the PmodTC1 in the examples folder called LINX
the PmodTC1 also uses maximintegrated IC, but the MAX31855 instead of MAX6675.
I believe that with some of non work arounds you may be able to change that code to fit your needs.
03-22-2021 07:47 AM
Thanks a lot, that was very helpful ! 🙂
Something I did not get is this:
To use the MAX31855 with PmodTC1 VI it is still necessary to modify the LIFA BAse?
Does it work just with the original LINX LIFA?
03-23-2021 06:22 AM
I tried out yesterday with another SPI chip, just changed the subvi parameters to set clock mode and channel, worked ok.
now i believe that you don't need LIFA anymore, since it has been substituted by LINX officially.
03-23-2021 12:30 PM
Could you send me your vi and explain which parameters should be changed, please? I'd just like to try ho it works..
Thanks for your time, I appreciate it very much
04-29-2021 12:51 AM
Heyy Nino,
I was also searching for the same. If you found the answer, please share it with me also.
In the meantime what I did to make it work is, I uploaded the Arduino sketch for reading the temperature using the Arduino app and serial printed the temperature value. After that, I acquired the value in LabVIEW using a serial read from Arduino. And it worked well.
Just let me know if you require the Arduino sketch and LabVIEW vi.
Thank you
08-21-2021 10:48 PM
actually i modify the pmod and can read the temperature of max 6675 but i have problem because i think i have a error at the temperature convert
now i try to check the temperature with an other instrument to verify the data
08-22-2021 06:49 AM
actualy i am working on this vi
i have to check the temperature to verify that is correct but i think is ok
if anybody see a error please tell me
03-26-2022 05:32 AM
Thank you so much.