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LabVIEW Math Library 3.08B beta released

Sorry, this isn't really a support question.


The FRC WPILIB Math Library 3.08B beta has been released.


Changes include:

- Install packages for LabVIEW 2023.  (I haven't tested these yet.  If anyone tries them, please report back.)

- Several bug fixes.  (Change log in release notes.)

- Command functions for boolean and numeric values. Simplifies communicating values between parallel sections of code.
- Drum Sequencer - Greatly simplifies creating sequences of timed actions.
- Auto Helper - A variation of the drum sequencer for Autonomous.
- Edge Triggered boolean functions

- Position Control functions – As described by the Secret Book of FRC LabVIEW. Similar to a proportional only PID with an error deadband, output clamping, and a minimum output value. While simple, this is very effective and easy to tune.
- Additional and updated examples that can be found under the LabVIEW Find Examples menu.


Here is a link:


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