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missing data

Thanks for the updates. The most recent error you posted indicates the engine isn't running as expected, or there's something wrong with the Skyline services on your system. Here's another diagnostic tool that will provide a lot more info about any errors that occur. After unzipping the attached file and running the ETW Viewer.exe go to the settings tab and select the same type of options as shown in the attached image (the middle column is the important one to make sure NI-PEF the NI-Lumberjack options are selected, the first column doesn't matter too much). Then go to the "All Events" tab, launch FlexLogger and start your test and you can press "Update" in the upper right periodically to get the latest printouts from the app. If something goes wrong, click Update and then you can save the log using the Save button in the bottom left and send that to us.


I would also open your Start>>SystemLink Server Configuration and make sure all the services are correctly running. You may need to restart the services and if that doesn't work, try restarting the machine so they are all running (see attached picture of how this looks on my machine).


I would also be interested to hear if you have problems if you stop using the custom plugin. I have seen some plugins that aren't written correctly and cause problems. I am running your setup now (without the custom plugin since I don't have it), so I'll see how long it runs. If it turns out everything runs fine without the custom plugin, you could send us the source for the custom plugin and we could take a look and see why it might be causing problems.




0 Kudos
Message 11 of 24

Thanks Brad, the Skyline error message seems like it may be unrelated, I've only seen it once.


Re the plugin I think that's a good suggestion, next chance I get I'll experiment with and without the plugin.  Might take a week as access to the production system is limited.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 24

I ran it overnight with 15 channels at 25.6KHz and 18 formula channels and it ran for 22 hours creating a 1.72GB file every 10 minutes without errors. Hopefully it works well for you once you take out the user plugin and then we can focus on what the user plugin might be doing that could cause things to get behind.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 24


Thanks for the feedback, I agree that the plugin seems under scrutiny.  There is only 1 channel in it, and data comes in nominally at 20ms.  The initialise.vi had the timing set to 100ms.  Do we have a smoking gun?  I've corrected it now, but the problem is so infrequent as to not have much certainty  even if it's ok for the next few days.  In the weekend I will update to the new version when it was really bad and see if it's better with this correction in the plugin.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 24

Last night I ran with V2021R4 which has shown increased likelihood of this problem occurring. With the newly fixed plugin, 1 lockup within 20 minutes. With the plugin removed from the project, same result. Conclusion: lockup is not related to the plugin.


Is there diagnostic possible while its locked up?  The problem is somewhat easy to reproduce using 2021R4.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 24

If you could have the ETW Trace tool running, that will catch a lot of potentially useful info that you could save and attach to this thread (maybe try ahead of time to make sure you know how to use it so you don't miss a long run with things not setup correctly). Another possible "smoking gun" is the screen shot you sent shows the mode as immediate, which runs as fast as possible and can cause resource problems if the Process.vi doesn't have some delay or waiting for driver to return data or something. Make sure to set it to Periodic if you want the value you changed to have an effect. It is currently ignored when the mode is immediate.

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 24

Thanks, and sorry for asking for diagnostics again - you posted them above!  Will repeat and run the diagnostics as you suggest.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 24

Also make sure to change the mode from immediate to periodic.



0 Kudos
Message 18 of 24

I designed the plugin so the process.vi does a blocking read, with the producer writing at 20ms.  Would this cause problematic jitter changing the process.vi read to periodic?  I'd have to significantly redesign the producer I suspect.  I think you are saying the immediate mode will only be problematic if the producer thread malfunctions?  I think perhaps I'll disable the plugin for now as I am able to reproduce the problem without it.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 24

I was just saying that your picture was showing that you changed the period interval from 100 to 20, and I just wanted to make sure you knew this didn't have an effect when the mode is immediate. Since you can reproduce the problem without this plugin, it probably makes sense to run without it to avoid extra variables.

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 24