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Modbus in FlexLogger

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I have just seen the videos and read up a little on the FlexLogger software. Unfortunately, I did not run across any information pertaining to Modbus communications. Before I download the trial version, does anyone know if the FlexLogger software supports IP Modbus for controls and sensing? In particular, I am looking to utilize this software with the Turck FGEN-XSG16-4001. Thank in advance. 


-- Chris

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Message 1 of 13
Accepted by topic author chriskern

Hi Chris,


Currently, FlexLogger does not support modbus. I've included a link to the readme where all supported hardware is listed.


FlexLogger 2018 R2 Readme


FlexLogger is intended to simplify data acquisition from CompactDAQ systems, but that comes with a tradeoff of limiting the scope of hardware that the program can interface with.

Product Support Engineer - sbRIO
National Instruments
Message 2 of 13

Thank you. I had a feeling that was the case as I could not find any documentation on it, but just wanted to post to the forum to see if there was something hidden or a work-around. Thanks again. 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

Hi chriskern,


As NickelsAndDimes pointed out, Modbus is not currently a feature in FlexLogger. However, FlexLogger is a new product that is under active development. I have a few questions about your use-case to help us understand your needs and help scope possible future development of FlexLogger.


  1. Do you need to read just the raw data or specific signals?
    • If it is specific signals, do you need to select the signals at runtime or does selection during configuration suffice?
  2. Is this input only or do you need output as well?
  3. Do you need to send custom messages?
    • If so, do these need to be created a runtime or can they be created during configuration messages?





Product Support Engineer

Message 4 of 13



   Please see answers to your questions below in green. Thanks. 


  1. Do you need to read just the raw data or specific signals?
    • If it is specific signals, do you need to select the signals at runtime or does selection during configuration suffice? I am not sure what you mean by "raw data or specific signals". If I had to choose, I would say I need channel-specific, pre-configured, raw data. 
  2. Is this input only or do you need output as well? I need both inputs and outputs via Modbus, and some of the NI cDAQ modules (possibly compactRIO as well in the future). 
  3. Do you need to send custom messages?
    • If so, do these need to be created a runtime or can they be created during configuration messages? Yes, I need to send custom messages, but they can be pre-configured. Hit 'Button A', send this message; press 'Button B', send this other message, etc. 
Message 5 of 13

You can write your Modbus code in LabVIEW and write the data to Skyline tags which FlexLogger will automatically find. Checkout the example of how to use Skyline tags for FlexLogger at \Program Files\National Instruments\FlexLogger 2018 R4\Examples\Skyline Integration.


You need FlexLogger R4 and LabVIEW 2017/2018. Modbus is not part of LabVIEW unless you have the DSC toolkit or have the NI Modbus add-on library.

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Message 6 of 13