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Use cFP RS-485 port in 2-wire mode

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Does that mean that you do not need to join Rx+ and Tx+ etc., and will the switch time be more reasonable then (that's the real problem with the way it used to work; that it is too slow to switch between transmit/receive)?


If not, how is it different than just setting the wire mode on the VISA node?

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Message 11 of 14
You are correct, it is the same as setting it through a property node. Modifying the DBS file will change the default behavior when the port is opened.

You will still need to join the wires externally, but you can use 2-wire auto mode, unlike the older Fieldpoints. I am not aware of the switching speed problem you mention, can you elaborate?
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Message 12 of 14



My solution talks about the switching speed.

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Message 13 of 14

I looked back at how the cFP-2120 did the switching, and for both the cFP-2120 and the cFP-2220 the UARTs themselves are responsible for determining when to turn off the transmitter. The cFP-2220 uses a UART very similar to that used in our PCI/PXI-8431 hardware, so I would expect similar switching performance.


Unfortunately the UART manufacturers do not document this delay in their datasheets, so I cannot provide a direct comparison between the two.


-Jason S.

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Message 14 of 14