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Fieldpoint device configuration information

I am trying to programmatically read the channel configuration information from an FP-TB-10 device.  The application that I am writing doesn't necessarily know what type of module is plugged into any particular FP-TB-10 slot.  I need to determine what kind of module is in a slot so that I can apply the necessary scales and offsets to bring the reading into appropriate engineering units.  I have tried using the FP Get Configuration Info vi but all that returns is channel strings and no useful information about the module at each channel.  Does anyone know how to extract the information the contains the type of module in a particular slot of an FP-TB-10 device?  Any work around would be appreciated too.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9
Hi Gravy,
   what's your topologu like? I mean, do you have a FP-100x connected to a PC?  In this case, there's a useful example, "Find FP-100x Devices ...", you find it in examples provided with LabVIEW (I use 7.1).  Here you have Optomux commands to get informations about which module is connected to the base, and there's a correspondence table, in Optomux manual.

   If you need more help, please tell me!  Anyway, don't forget to provide further details on:
    - Your Field point system topology;
    - Your programming environment (LabVIEW, version?, CVI...)

Hope it helps!

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9
I am using an FP-1601 network module connected to a PC to connect to a bank of DI-301, DO-403, and TB-10.  I see the value of the example Find FP-100x Devices, but my understanding of the Optomux VI's is that they are more of serial comms and not ethernet.  So I am still a bit stuck.
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Message 3 of 9
... and I am using LabView 8.0 to program the app.
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Message 4 of 9
   In this case I really don't know how to it, and I'm not practical with FP-1601...  sorry! I hope some NI people  can help you!

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9
Hi Gravy,

I'm looking into it now. The previous posts were correct: It is possible using optomux, but that is assuming a direct connection through a serial port. When using ethernet, the HW has to be configured in software first, creating an .iak file.

I am still looking into it, but for now it seems that it is not possible.

Best regards,

Nathan Yang
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9
Hi Nathan,

    what about reading programmatically some way .iak file? In cFP-2020, I embedded an application in which I read the .ini files, resident in cFP-2020 module, and which are generated from .iak file, so.... can it be this way also from a PC environment?

   Have a nice week-end, here in Italy it's almost time to go..... Smiley Wink

Message 7 of 9
Hi Gravy,

I just confirmed my initial statement: you cannot do it through a network. You will not be able to detect the modules on an FP-TB-10.

Best regards,

Nathan Yang
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Message 8 of 9
Hi Graziano,

You cannot programmatically read and modify the .iak file. You are correct about the .ini file on the cFP controllers.

Sorry Smiley Sad

Nathan Yang
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9