FieldPoint Family

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How to update device list in MAX ?

Hi all,

I'm running MAX 4.0.3 and trying to declare cFP module (that I still haven't received).
I'm expecting :
  2 RLY 421 modules,
  1 AI 111,
  1 DO 401,
they'll be connected to a cFP 2020.

The thing is when I try to add a device I have to select from a list but RLY 421 is not in that list.. Smiley SurprisedSmiley Sad

How can I update MAX's device list ??

Message Edité par TiTou le 07-19-2006 04:21 PM

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 1 of 6
I think the device list is not affected by MAX, but by your FP driver version. Make sure you have one which is up to date.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 2 of 6

I've just installed FieldPoint Driver 5.0 downloaded from NI website but the RLY 421 is still not in the device list Smiley Sad...

Before starting to develop I thought I should update my drivers so I got the latest FP Driver version, but since I'm still using LV 7.1 maybe I shall unistall FP Driver 5.0 and re-install 4.1 and see if it works Smiley Surprised ?

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 3 of 6
I've received my modules and when connected, the RLY 421 was recognized and added to the device list, so my problem is solved.
But still... it is surprising, the device list should be exhaustive, no ?

Thanks anyway for your help

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 4 of 6


The FieldPoint software was designed so that new modules can be detected and added on the fly without a new version of software release being needed. Each FieldPoint device has a unique identification code. When the Find Devices command is performed, the detected module IDs are compared to the IDs known by the local copy of the NI-FieldPoint software. If the ID is not known, a data sheet is retrieved from the IO module that describes the module and the FieldPoint software is updated. The module is then selectable from the drop box for offline configuration. Generally, a version of the NI FieldPoint software will include the MIS files for modules that were released at the time of the software release, modules released after a particular software version was released will not be included.


LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CPI
Message 5 of 6
Ok Aaron,

Thanks for the information 😉

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 6 of 6