09-27-2010 06:11 PM
Very recently, the page count from the forum view has broken. My preferences are configured to show 50 posts per thread, but it appears the forum view has recently reverted to using 10 posts/thread to calculate number of pages.
For instance, the "Forum Upgrade..." thread currently has 252 posts, which is 6 pages of posts at 50 posts/page. The thread view correctly shows 6 pages, but the forum view shows 10+ pages. If I click on page 7, 8, 9... server returns a blank page.
For what it's worth, bug confirmed on Chrome and IE from two separate ISP's (this type of bug is probably server-side).
09-28-2010 04:17 AM
I'm suffering from this also. IE 6 on WinXP
09-29-2010 05:10 PM
To me it looks like the thread page count is incorrect in your screenshot. When I view that thread I get 26 pages:
Are you still seeing this? I've looked at a few more threads in FF3 and don't see any issue.
09-29-2010 06:56 PM
Laura, I'm set to view 50 posts per page. The default is 10, which is probably why you see 26.
09-30-2010 10:03 AM
ah, I knew I missed something. Glossed right over that detail. I've reported the bug.
11-03-2010 04:08 PM
This appears to have been fixed.