11-18-2010 10:50 AM
Hello Everyone -
A few updates were made this week:
1. If you are not signed into the forums and click the Kudos icon on a message or idea, you will be automatically logged in instead of getting a message telling you to log in (this was suggested at NIWeek)
2. If your viewing preferences are set to view more than 10 messages per page, the page numbers were incorrect at the board level and this is now fixed.
3. Jumping to an unread comment in the idea exchange works
Web Support & Operations
National Instruments
11-29-2010 08:05 AM
I'm not sure if this is related to recent updates or not, but the forums are no longer rendering properly on my browser. I'm currently using Firefox 3.6.12 with NoScript and Ad BlockerPlus. Both NoScript and AdBlockerPlus have been set to allow ni.com Previously, this worked fine. But now, even disabling both doesn't fix the problem.
11-29-2010 07:20 PM
I am seeing rendering problems also, same Firefox version, NoScript, AdBlockPlus. Worked fine prior to Sunday.
11-30-2010 09:32 AM
Very strange.
This morning when I looked at this message, everything rendered properly.
Now, at the office; even with NoScript and AdBlocker completely disabled I can't get the pages to format properly. Unfortunately, the forums are pretty much impossible to navigate this way.
12-01-2010 01:22 PM
Can you please upload a screenshot of whatever pages don't render correctly? Everything looks good on my end.
12-01-2010 02:17 PM
Back to normal for me, thanks for fixing it.
12-01-2010 02:28 PM
Hi Laura,
I realize this may not be very helpful, but everything is working fine today.
Previously, I had occasionally been able to get pages to render correctly by turning off all Firefox addons completely and sometimes restarting Firefox. Yesterday, even that wouldn't work.
Today, both NoScript and AdBlockerPlus are running with exceptions in place for ni.com, and everything is working just fine.
I've noticed this back and forth problem more than once. It's quite possible the problem is with Firefox. The next time I see the problem, I'll take a screenshot.
12-01-2010 03:15 PM
This is a screen shot of how the forum format mutates, seemingly at will. It was just working fine a minute ago and then reverted to this again. OS is WIN XP PRO , firefox is the browser. All was well here for over a year until about a week or go. Pleae help, I can barley read the forum in this format.
12-01-2010 03:22 PM
waited a while, did not change any thing, the format is back to correctly displaying. But some times if screwed up for days even after several reboots.
12-01-2010 05:28 PM
Here we are again, format is screwed. Any ideas? see attachment.