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Help with Pneumatic Labview code

Is there any sample Labview code to help us get started on the pneumatic kick device.  We've finally gotten the communications working as well as the camera so we're starting on the kicking device.  We have one built and connected to the robot but now not sure where to start on the code.  All we want is a simple code that when the joystick button is pushed, the pneumatic device is activated and therefore kicks and then automatically resets so that it can be kicked again later.

Any help would be appreciated!

Fruitvale HS, Team 2735

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Message 1 of 3


Hello! From the getting started window of LabVIEW For FRC there is a more link that will show you all the labview examples available for FRC. There is more than one compressor example there. I think this is what you are looking for. Have a great day!

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Ben Sisney
FlexRIO V&V Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

For examples I would suggest you first look at Solenoid With Compressor Example just to understand

how to run the compressor.  Then you might take a look at Compressor With Cylinder - it is closer to what you asked for.  It does not connect to a joystick button.  It uses a switch on the front panel of the VI to control the cylinder.  But you could also look at the joystick examples and integrate those ideas.

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