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To programmatically get the same functionality/behavior as the Chart History Length
When you set the range of a waveform chart, by right-clicking the waveform chart and selecting Chart History Length - LabVIEW will automatically always show you the end of this range of values. However, if you set the maximum range with a property node, we always see the beginning of this range of values. We can programmatically get the same functionality/behavior as the Chart History Length by checking the current history of the chart, and then setting both the maximum and minimum through a property node. Don't forget that the array is zero-indexed!
To implement this example:
To execute this example:
LabVIEW 2012 or compatible
**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**
Imtiaz Chowdhury
Project Manager
Green Running / Austin Consultants
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Thanks for posting this!
Great start, but only works up to <History Length>
Another way (seems to work for all- cant seem to upload the vi here!) :
Thanks for tips, but these two VIs doesn't work in my imagination. I improved the second VI, now its work for all time, and data start at scale minimum of the graph, not from scale maximum.