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question about M series DIO

In the dioex2.cpp, what does the PFI_Output_Select_(n) mean? n = 1,2,3,4,5,6


If I want to program every pin, should I  use PFI function?

Does the board->PFI_DI represent the P0.0~p0.5?

Does the board->PFI_DO represent the P1.0~p1.3?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi David-

The PFI_Output_Select registers are used to determine which lines are routed to the PFI outputs on the STC-II (and which eventually route to the I/O connector of the device).

Each PFI_Output_Select register contains three PFI lines.  These are:

PFI_Output_Select_1: PFI2, PFI1, PFI0
PFI_Output_Select_2: PFI5, PFI4, PFI3
PFI_Output_Select_3: PFI8, PFI7, PFI6
PFI_Output_Select_4: PFI11, PFI10, PFI9
PFI_Output_Select_5: PFI14, PFI13, PFI12
PFI_Output_Select_6: PFI15

The layout of the register is three 5-bit enum values, right-justified (i.e. PFI0 is bits 0-4, PFI1 is bits 5-9, etc) with any unused bits being "don't care".  The enum values for each PFI line are:

0: Default

1: AI_Start1_PFI

2: AI_Start2_PFI


4: G1_selected_SRC

5: G1_selected_GATE


7: AO_Start1_PFI

8: AI_START_Pulse

9: G0_selected_SRC

10: G0_selected_GATE

13: G0_out

14: G1_out

15: Freq_Out

16: PFI_DO

17: Analog_Trig

18: RTSI0

19: RTSI1

20: RTSI2

21: RTSI3

22: RTSI4

23: RTSI5

24: RTSI6

25: RTSI7



31: Logic low

Which M Series devices are you planning to use?  In another post you mention the 6230 and 6232.  Neither of these are supported by the MHDDK, but they should be easy enough to program.  I would recommend setting all of the PFI lines to PFI_DO if you are planning to use the device for static DIO operations.  The board will power up with the line directions set correctly as either input or output.  Then you can either write data to PFI_DO or read from PFI_DI and mask out values as specified here:

PFI0-PFI5 = input
PFI6-PFI9 = output


Hopefully this helps-

Message Edited by Tom W [DE] on 04-08-2008 02:36 PM
Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Nw I have five kind fo card, they are 6230,6232,6723,7831 and 7811. I have do well with the 78XX seriels cards.  but feel comfused with the M serials card.  Using the NI ddk. The DAC of the 6230 and 6232 can work properly, but the 6723 doesn’t work.does it not belong to the M serials ? so How can I make it to D/A ? and this morning I will try to use the DIO of the 6230 and 6232 following your words.

Thanks a lot!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

These are the codes I used to program the PFI lines of 6230 and 6232, but it just can’t work properly:

// Is this necessary to set the directions of the PFI lines ?

board->IO_Bidirection_Pin.writeRegister (0x3c0);

// Set all the ten PFI lines as PFI_DO

board->PFI_Output_Select_1.writeRegister (0x4210); board->PFI_Output_Select_2.writeRegister (0x4210);

board->PFI_Output_Select_3.writeRegister (0x4210);

board->PFI_Output_Select_4.writeRegister (0x10);

//now set PFI 6~9 to High 

board->PFI_DO.writeLowerPort (0x3c0);  //does the function work?

board->PFI_DO.writeUpperPort (0x3c0);  // or the function work?

board->PFI_DO.writeRegister (0xff00);   // or the function work?

// ---- Read-back value ----

u16 value;

value = (u16) (board->PFI_DI.readRegister()); // does the function work?


Would you tell why the codes just can’t work? What is the problem?

Can you just tell me the offset of all the registers needed to program the DIO and the sequence to set the registers?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
Hi David-
As I mentioned in my previous post, for the 623x devices the board will power up with the line directions set correctly as either input or output.  It is not necessary to adjust the line directions with a call to set the IO_Bidirection_Pin register.
The LowerPort for PFI_DO refers to the lower 8 PFI lines, namely PFI0-PFI7.  The UpperPort refers to PFI8-PFI15.  In my earlier post I mentioned that the input lines are PFI0-PFI5 and output are PFI6-PFI9.  So, for the output lines you need to write (0xC0 & value) to PFI_DO.LowerPort and (0x3 & value) to PFI_DO.UpperPort.  For input, you can simply read PFI_DI and then determine value = (0x3F & board->PFI_DI.readRegister()).
Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Hi ,

     I am using M series PCI-6221 and the MHDDK code to access Port 0 , 1 & 2 .


Is there a way to bit address the 24 DIO lines ?

Mainly to either a set a single DIO line or read its status ..




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Hi Irfan-


Please see my comments about M Series DIO in your other thread, here.

Message Edited by Tom W [DE] on 11-26-2008 01:00 PM
Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7