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Problem with the acquireBoard in Linux

Hello everybody,

I have a big problem with the use of acquireBoard.

I have a PCI 6509 in linux and i just want to test trhe read and write with the MHDDK(kernel 6.23)


I want to know if someone could give mo all the step to install correctly the MHDDK.


I try to compil the nirplk.ko without succes.


I try the lspci in Konsole so as to have the bus number of the card.


how can i fill the attributes of the acquireBoard function:("PXI0::0::INSTR")?

Isnt't it "PXI<bus_number>::<device_number>"( I try all without succes)?


Is my card recognize???




Best Regards 



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Stephanie-


You must be able to compile and install the nirlpk kernel module before you will be able to use the MHDDK.  I have seen some errors consistently with newer kernel versions due to the fact that we wrote the nirlpk module based on an earlier kernel version.  These errors are most common:


  • Remove enable_wake entry from nNIRLP_pciDriver struct.  This entry is no longer necessary.
  • Remove #include linux/config.h.  This file was removed/deprecated in favor of autoconf.h.
  • Remove VM_SHM in flags for nNIRLP_mmap function.  This flag is no longer supported.
  • Possibly others?  Post the error output if you have trouble tracking them down and I will try to help out.


The format is indeed PFI<bus>::<dev>, but you should use the lsdaq application that builds with nirlpk to verify that all National Instruments PXI boards are recognized correctly.  After you successfully 'make' nirlpk, run 'make install' and then './lsdaq' from the build directory.


Hopefully this helps-



Message Edited by Tom W [DE] on 01-27-2009 08:36 AM
Tom W
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

its ok I change the download OS Specific Bus Interface Component. I take the linux/dev/mem instead of linux 2.6 kernel module. when I log in root in the Konsole I can recognize my card . (Is something change compared to kernel module)


Now I can test the read and write with the function. perhaps I need your help for this later.


Thank you


Best regards



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Message 3 of 3