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6225 - how to access 5th ai bank

Hi Gordon-

In order to select from channels 64-79 on the 6255, we use the AI_Config_Polarity bit from AI_Config_FIFO_Data register (that bit is unused normally, since M Series devices don't support unipolar AI).  You should still select channel bank 0, and your channel config entry should specify bipolar configuration for channels 0-63 and unipolar configuration for channels 64-79.

Hopefully this helps-

Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Hi Gordon-

Perhaps this info would be [more] useful if I defined that Bipolar = 0 and Unipolar = 1 for the AI_Config_Polarity bit. Smiley Wink

Message Edited by Tom W [DE] on 04-01-2008 02:58 PM
Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13
Thank you Tom.  That looks quite easy to implement.

Gordon Weast
xPC Target Development
The MathWorks

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Message 13 of 13