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What is the content of IO such as GPS data out and GPS NMEA



I am using the LabVIEW Communications LTE Framework Application, there are some IO as GPS data, GPS NMEA, GPS NMEA Valid, ect., I find out that the out put of GPS data and GPS NMEA are 8 bits signal, but I don't  know what  is the the contents of this I/Os, and their update rate. I cannot find user manual on NI help. Can anyone help to explain more details about them?  



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Message 1 of 4

Hey Junshi,


Are you able to provide any functions in particular that are returning this datatype, or devices even?


I've taken a look and have not seen anything immediately.




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Message 2 of 4

Hi Mitch


Thank you for asking.  I am using LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite 2.0, build number with USRP 2953R connected with GPS antenna. and I am using only the modules shown  in the first figure, i.e. the modules at the host side, "initialize the time library", and "get time", and when the USRP has received the GPS signal steadily, I read out the current time, and write it to a file, I find out that the time is 1904.01.01, 01:00:00.000. Apparently, the time is incorrect. So I wonder if I should add the modules of figure 2 and figures, i.e., the modules at the FPGA side to my FPGA code, so that the FPGA can report the time to host. 

Best regards






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Message 3 of 4

Hi again Mitch


As for the question I mentioned at the beginning, the modules are shown in the attached figure.  Basically, my fundamental question is if I can get GPS time from the USRP 2953R at host side with LabVIEW  LTE framework. gps_io.PNG




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Message 4 of 4