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6601 event signalling

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Hi all,

currently I am trying to get a call back from the 6601 card on a change of state of any of four digital input lines. I have been trying to register a call back function on a "change detection" event on the 6601 card . I eventually figured out this is not supported on the 6601.

I have some other fallback solutions for the invocation of a call back function based on "task done" event or "every n sample" event.

I would be very grateful if somebody could confirm that these events are supported on the 6601. 


thanks for your help



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Accepted by topic author rjnn

Hi Rolf,


To confirm what you posted previously, DAQmx Signal Events are not supported by the 6601.  DAQmx Signal Events include the Counter Output event, the Sample Complete Event, the Sample Clock Event, and the Digital Change Detection event.


The Every N Samples and Task Done events are supported by the 6601, so you should be able to register these events successfully using DAQmxRegisterDoneEvent or DAQmxRegisterEveryNSamplesEvent in the C API.  If you encounter any issues please let us know.  Thanks for posting and have a great day!



John Passiak
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