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plot multiple graphs

I have a code in which I get 4 graphs. I have saved it in a single test.tdr file.


How can i code it to get 1 single graph per page  without using the .tdr file. Do I have to use code below  4 times in a loop??



Call GraphObjNew("2D-Axis","MyGraph")

Call GraphObjOpen("MyGraph")      
  D2AXISSYSTEM     ="one system"
  Call GraphObjNew("2D-curve","MyCurve") 


 Call GraphObjOpen("MyCurve")

    D2CCHNXNAME      ="[1]/Time"
    D2CCHNYNAME      ="[1]/Acc1"
  Call GraphObjClose("MyCurve")
Call GraphObjClose("MyGraph") 
Call Picupdate

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Rash,


If you want to programmatically create each REPORT sheet from scratch, you will have to set a TON more graph variables than that (Where is the graph positioned?  How big is it?  What colors are the curves?).  Way too much work, in my opinion.  I prefer to use the same TDR file and append it 4 times to get 4 new REPORT sheets, then just change the channel references to point to the data for each sheet.  By the way, where is the data for each sheet?  Is the the data for each sheet all in a single Group?  Why don't you send me the data the way you have it ready for graphing, plus the TDR of how you want each sheet to look, and perhaps I already have code I can send you that will do what you want.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer
National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi Brad,


I need 4 graphs in 4 continuous sheets. 1 per sheet. For all the 4 Time in X axis is common to all. 

Would be helpful if you send me the code.

Yes, all the 4 data belongs to single group.


1st graph is Time Vs Head, 2: Time vs Mass, 3: Time vs Force and 4: Time vs Ext Forces


Thanx in adv



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hi Rash,


I'll send you the code if you'll send me the data, plus your desired graph format in a TDR file.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4