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RecentlyI heard about Measx - xcrash as a patch to Diadem to work with Crash analysis.


I want to know Howgood is this Measx when compared to Diadem.

What type of coding is done in Measx(VB or VB scripting)

Is the coding open in Measx?

Is it compatible with Crash tool kit of Diadem?

How it actually works?? Just a curiousity..


Can any one state me the advantages or dia advantages of Measx over Diadem.


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Message 1 of 3



measX is a National Instruments Select Alliance Partner in Germany. Please have a look at their web page www.measx.com. They use National Instruments hardware and software to build applications. As I know is “xcrash” a tool, based on the DIAdem and its crash analyze functions.




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Message 2 of 3



X-Crash is an evaluation software developed by measX (www.measX.com) for test data of all types of tests in the area of vehicle safety based on NI DIAdem.

It contains all necessary functions from data viewing to the final report. In the "QuickLook" area it supports you to view, varify and to edit your data, to view videos synchronized to channel data and to compare different tests. In the "Analysis & Report" area you can analyse your data and generate reports automatically (but also manually) and in conformity to international regulations like FMVSS, ECE, ADR, TRIAS, US-NCAP, Euro NCAP, China-NCAP, Japan-NCAP and IIHS. The software is very powerful in comparing different tests: It not only compares tests of the same type but also left impact with right impact or left-hand drive with right-hand drive or test with different dummy types. This functionallity is provided in both areas, "QuickLook" and "Analysis & Report".


If you are interested in more details, please contact me (Sebastian.Rings@measX.com).


Best regards

Sebastian Rings

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